I bought the chick.
I raised it to a chicken.
I fed it with the best food.
I ensured that it had enough food and water.
I slaughtered the chicken.
I de-feathered the chicken.
I cleared the intestines.
I bought the incredients.
I cooked the chicken.
I chopped it into parts.
I served it on the plate.
I ate the chicken's backside.
Am I too self-centred?
I am not unhappy, just in case.
The world is never round.
Selamat Hari Raya
Muslims: Selamat Hari Raya Puasa.
Fei: Nice meal at Teaspa and thanks for the companion.
Nick and gang: Sorry can't go clubbing.
Gary: Happy Birthday!! So sad you have duty today.
Qiwen: Happy Birthday!! Hope you like the wallet and thanks for the meal at Brekz.
Lixia: Finally! Exams over!! Happy time!!
Kim and Zhihui: Eh... Nice meal and thanks for the PS2 and bridge session on Sunday.
Pris, Shan, SY: Good luck for your exams and the end is near.
Ziyang: It's been a long time since we last met.
Feng: Thanks for helping me settling things in camp!
Myself: Don't get stressed easily!
Did I miss anyone?
For those I missed... Good luck!!
Good day!
Waiting for the sun to rise
The rain spoiled it all. Trees, 2 to be exact, uprooted and blocked the road. Fire alarm went bogus. Trainee sprained ankle. Barrier didn't react. Vehicle's wheel went faster than the vehicle itself. And all these happened in a day.
Glad it's over.
And Staff insisted common room key to be returned.
How I wished the sun could rise faster, waiting anxiously for the next day to arrive.
I believe today's guy also wished for the same thing. And the guy after him for next.
Tomorrow will be a better day.
It's playtime.
Are you lonesome tonight?
The moon shines a lonely torch
The sky paints a lonely night
The wind hums a lonely tune
The leaves rustle a lonely dance
The sea cries lonely tears
The waves bid a lonely goodbye
I eat my lonely dinner
I watch my lonely TV
Everyone's gone for a soccer match. As I have to assist Feng's training today, thus never joined them. Anyway, no one's at fault. And I'm not blaming anyone. It's just that I suddenly felt the bitter lonliness. I wouldn't have joined them even there's no course. I don't really play soccer.
I'm not sad nor down. It's just something to think about.
Let love lead the way, but not blind it.
Feng's lesson went well today. Met a never-seen-before-bmt-same-company-friend. He's in the course.
Had a chaircut and bought a Jay's VCD. No idea if it's nice.
Realise that the name Jeremy means
appointed by god.
Finally can hand over to Nick. Poor Nick have so much to do after he comes back.
Saw the AH Band Daniel's friendster page. It's still not too late. You know what I mean, Jerm. Work harder.
Charmed. Here I come.
I read because I am.
Finally over
Training's finally over. Now it's GF 's show tomorrow and the day after next. Hope everything will be fine. Celebrated with a rather fulfiling meal at Spec mess.
Don't feel like writing anything much today. *Tired*
I'm lovin it.
Is it a sign or what? Both the Sunday Newpaper and the Sunday times mentioned issues about clubbing. While the latter discussed the after effects of getting drunk and the consequnces, Sex I mean, the former touched on the issues of brats of well-known surnames. I envy those 'brats', although some of them aren't. They are rich, well-known, well-dressed, and some of them even good-looking.
I am blessed with intelligence and character, I hope.
Is it a sign I should start clubbing?
I don't think so. It's so not me. If I suddenly say 'How about Mohammad Sultan this Sat', I believe my friends would stare at me as if I have transformed into an alien from our friendly Mars.
You get what I mean. It's so not me.
And I believe I don't have to change just because everyone has.
I admit I am not rich nor famous. But I am confident and comfortable with who and what I am.
Being slimmer and wanting to look good is just a passing remark.
Opps. Ate too much for dinner today. AND HOW COULD I FORGET MY FACIAL WASH?
Seriously, I have learnt that most people are good looking because they are confident to present their true self.
Of course, decent apperarance is required. And obesity is still a 'no'.
I must be happy and comfortable with who I am. Not rich is not a fault. It is more so not a defect.
I will be rich one day. All you guys watch out for ME!!!!
That's all for today.
Rainy days please go away.
Wasting my life away in another boring weekend. How interesting can it be? Another busy week ahead. How interesting can it be? How I hope next week will be over soon. Course going on, duty postponed to next weekend. Arg.
Must think and be happy.
Hari Raya coming?
Tomorrow's Shannon's hatch-day. Gary's on the week after. Qiwen too. Must plan on their gifts real soon.
Any ideas?
For one. For all.
un·cer·tain·ty ( P ) Pronunciation Key (n-sûrtn-t)
n. pl. un·cer·tain·ties
The condition of being uncertain; doubt.
Something uncertain: the uncertainties of modern life.
Statistics. The estimated amount or percentage by which an observed or calculated value may differ from the true value.
Synonyms: uncertainty, doubt, dubiety, skepticism, suspicion, mistrust
These nouns refer to the condition of being unsure about someone or something. Uncertainty, the least forceful, merely denotes a lack of assurance or conviction: I regarded my decision with growing uncertainty. Doubt and dubiety imply a questioning state of mind: “Doubt is part of all religion” (Isaac Bashevis Singer). On this point there can be no dubiety. Skepticism generally suggests an instinctive or habitual tendency to question and demand proof: “A wise skepticism is the first attribute of a good critic” (James Russell Lowell). Suspicion is doubt as to the innocence, truth, integrity, honesty, or soundness of someone or something: His furtiveness aroused my suspicions. Mistrust denotes lack of trust or confidence, as in a person's motives, arising from suspicion: The staff viewed the consultant's hasty recommendations with mistrust.
Worried= Nothing gets done
Nothing gets done=Problems
The problem with problems are not the problems are not the problems themselves. It's problematic when problems are not solved. Problems with solutions are not really problems. Problems without solutions are the true problems. Uncertainty also results in problems, which equates to worries, which will then equate to nothing gets done, and the whole cycle of problems will evolve.
That's the feeling I have now.
prob·lem ( P ) Pronunciation Key (prblm)
A question to be considered, solved, or answered: math problems; the problem of how to arrange transportation.
A situation, matter, or person that presents perplexity or difficulty: was having problems breathing; considered the main problem to be his boss.
A misgiving, objection, or complaint: I have a problem with his cynicism.
Difficult to deal with or control: a problem child.
Dealing with a moral or social problem: a problem play.
no problem
Used to express confirmation of or compliance with a request.
[Middle English probleme, from Old French, from Latin problma, problmat-, from Greek, from proballein, to throw before, put forward : pro-, before; see pro-2 + ballein, bl-, to throw; see gwel- in Indo-European Roots.]
An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
Everyone's out. Almost. Lewis's in bunk. Only left LTA Nigel and some people. Rejected staff 's invitation to officer's mess.
It's been a long time since channel 5 produced good tv programmes. Achar and Gotcha did tickle my toes.
Tomorrow have to report for BOS. Duty on Sat. Wish me luck.
1 final blog before going back to bunk.
Check these out.
Unfinished work and more coming up
Genfeng. I miss you.
Ok. To be more precise, I need you to come back soon to help me with many things. Going to be mad soon if this prolongs. Staff kept calling me to his office, not for issueing offs but more things to do. I seriously need a break. (Opps. I having one now.)
It's lunch time. Oh please.
God. I pray for more Jeremys, one to attend to Staff, one to do all the work, one to relax (that will be the real me). Haha.
Opps. Forgot that one should do all the shopping too.
Last night went to Goldenmile complex with chonghan and gang to book their tix for their trip to malaysia. You can name the place small Thailand, with so many Thais around.
Just do it.
Wish me luck.
Flustered? Yes I am!
But there are so many things to do. I need a break!!!
Nick's not around. (Good or bad?) Genfeng's attached out. So now, I have to settle things on my own and theirs. I am not complaining that why I have to do that, BUT it's just that there are really quite a few things to settle, which are yet to be done. And there's training yesterday.
Boss called and msg me a few times this morning alone. I hope that's it.
What can I say?
Seriously need some form of relaxation.
Nope! Not retail therapy again.
Duty on this sat. Another source of stress.
And as i write more and more, I feel more and more stressed. Need to write about less worrying stuff.
Haha. 5 new chaps posted in today. As usual. Look lost.
Don't fret on the numbers, your age, weight, height. Let your doctor worry for you.
God bless.
Rating of my life
Many have said life's like a movie, and here's the rating of my movie.

My life is rated PG.
What is your life rated?
Unexpected? What's yours?
If I am god...
Then I choose not to be one. It's not racist nor anti-christianity comments, but it's just that it isn't easy to be one. There are so much things to look into. I can't even handle my own life.
But what if I'm god??
Eh... I better not think about it.
Thank god I am not one.
The responsibilty is too great to handle.
Nick and Feng not around at the same time. MADNESS! Have to settle additional things.
Did I mention Fei won a bet with boss? The bet? A meal. What meal? Beats me.
All you need is love.
Oh ya! 5 new chaps coming to relieve our stress. Or are they the origins if stress?
Yet another retail therapy
Never knew there are so many shops in Bugis Junction that I could shop in. Felt so guilty buying so much stuff, but the guilt is accompanied by satisfaction. After hiring Fei and Nick as my image consultants, I realise I am suitable for not just baggy and oversized t-shirts. Gan is my financial consultant.
Should control my spending hobby before it turned disatrous.
Thanks dad.
When I nearly gave up on friendster, a ray of sun suddenly shone through the misty dark. 5 new friends. 1 new testimonial. 1 new message. This is the one of the few times that I didn't take initiative to add but to be added. This feeling is definitely good. Found some almost forgotten primary friends, Int Spec friend, Band friends. At least I have 5 friends who they felt I am worthy to be in their friendster list.
Or are they competing with their friends to see who have more friends and regardless of anyone, even those who they hated?
I don't think so and hope not.
I think only I and Jason are the greatest fools who engage in such stupid competition.
Nick and gang will be on jeep course from tomorrow. No one to help me.
Hope not much work to be done.
I am because I believe.
Lady Luck. Please smile at me.
Lazing around in an early Saturday morning
It's been quite some time while I have this chance to wake up late in an Saturday morning. Glad boss gave off.
It's been quite a busy week. So many things to settle, but I am happy at least most of the things are settled. I hope so. Been in a terrible mood the past few days. Feel so sorry if I offended anyone. Anyway looking forward to today's outing with Fei and friends.
I want a digital camera. But it's more of a want than a need. Have been asking around for a good cam. Should I spend this money or is it hust a passing craze which will die off soon?
Ha! So happy that get a slight tanned during the week. Must carry on for the next week. I hope I have the time and mood to get tanned.
Where have all the flowers gone?
Bad mood.
So many things to settle.
Bad mood.
Watched Matrix Revolution today. Not marvellous but ok. 9 for effects but 6 for story. That will be 7.5 for overall. Saw Gary at JP. He watching Matrix too, though at different cinema.
Did I mention I have a bad mood?
Bad mood.
Off to my another diary.
It's the new song by blue.
And it's the feeling I am expereincing now... (munching away my fillet burger)
Who cares?
I never want to play the games that people play
I never want to hear the things they gotta say
I've found everything I need
I never wanted anymore than I can see
I only want you to believe
If it's wrong to tell the truth
Then what am I supposed to do
When all I want to do is speak my mind (speak my mind) - ALL
If it's wrong to do what's right
I'm prepared to testify
If loving you with all my heart's a crime - ALL
Then I'm guilty
I wanna give you all the things you never had
Don't try to tell me how he treats you isn't bad
I need you back in my life
I never wanted just to be the other guy (be the other guy - LEE)
I never wanted to live a lie
If it's wrong to tell the truth
What am I supposed to do
All I want to do is speak my mind (speak my mind) - ALL
If it's wrong to do what's right
I'm prepared to testify
If loving you with all my heart's a crime - ALL
Then I'm guilty
Girl I followed my heart
Followed the truth
Right from the start it led me to you
Please don't leave me this way
I'm guilty now all I have to say
If it's wrong to tell the truth
Then what am I supposed to do
When all I want to do is speak my mind (speak my mind) - ALL
If it's wrong to do what's right
I'm prepared to testify
If loving you with all my hearts a crime - ALL
Then I'm guilty
What am I supposed to do (Duncan)
Then I'm guilty (Lee)
All I wanna do is speak my mind (All)
Guilty (Lee)
Then I'm guilty (Lee)
I'm prepared to testify (Duncan)
If it's wrong to do what's right then tell me about this feeling inside (Lee)
If loving you with all my hearts a crime (All)
I'm Guilty (Duncan)
Hungry? Not me.
Rainy day
The weather's been a little funny these few days. One moment it's bright sunshine, the minute, a thunderstorm. Fortunately didn't go swimming today. Or else we will all be drenched.
Well, my mood has been something like that recently too. Don't know why. It must be the stomachache been getting these few days. But I am happy now. That's why I blogging now.
So feel like getting contacts after my next pay day.
Not confirmed yet.
Like to take this chance to thank Nick and SY who frequent my blogs. But I want more people to view my blogs and share comments...
Not a must though but must publicize...
Must look at good looking people so can be shuai...
Look beyond the tunnel. You will find the light.
Yingkai. Thanks for being there, though not physically, when I am at SISPEC. Though you at OCS which is supposedly more tough, you still encourage me. This quote is from him.
Coffee rulez.
Just feel like writing something, and it doesn't have to make any sense at all. Nick says that I became more image-conscious. Personally, I feel that's a need to look better. After browsing through all the friendster webpages, I realise most of my friends whom I have not met since zillion years have changed. Have I? I keep asking questions that bother myself. I keep making myself unhappy. I know I shouldn't do that.
Ok. It's more obvious in the girls who have changed and look much better. But is it a process of growing up? I seriously hope so. Actually, I am not feeling upset or what. It's just something to ponder about.
Anyway, tomorrow will be a happy day. I think and hope so.
Maybe, I should post some great looking pictures and by looking at them everyday, I will be good looking too.
I'm joking, of course.
Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.
Back to work!!
Laughing out loud
Laughter filled the whole common room as Nick put all the different signature actions of almost all the SSW people together. And this is how it goes...
*Jeremy's laughter*... Oh please (YF). Seriously (Nick), you are so *Cheap cheap*(Jason)... *Looks blur* Nan de?!?! (Alex). Eh, thanks eh thanks eh (Calvin).
It can never be funnier.
I got up on the wrong side of the bed today. Nothing seemed to be right.
Alarm rang through the night.
No water. Had they cut off the water supply?
I had no answer.
The job had to be done today. Boss's order. No one could reject it. I didn't want to do it again. No innocent lives should be harmed. I had no choice. They had my family in their hands. They promised this would be the last time.
They said the same thing the previous time. All I wanted was my family to be safe.
This time the job was much simpler. Boss wanted to find another supplier for the drugs.
He said this one had better quality of drugs and at a better price. My job: to test the goods.
I knew today was never to be right.
The sun gallantly shone his rays through the skies. It was time to move.
We reached the warehouse early. There was no one. It was dark.
Footsteps were audible just as I was wondering it's a trap.
This guy in oversized black jacket appeared. Passwords exchanged, followed by goods.
The white powder was real, even better.
Currencies came to sight.
I knew it. Everything went on too smoothly.
We were on our way back. Bullets came suddenly flying towards us. It was them. THe fake currencies could not hold us that long till we get back.
A motorbike gave chase. There was this slow-moving vehicle just in front of us and the motorbike left us no way to escape.
The presence of the vehicle became nearer and nearer. The motorbike came nearer as well.
We crashed.
I lived to tell the story. They didn't.
Haha. Another crazy invention of mine. Of course the story was fiction. But the alarm, the water, the slow moving vehicle and the motorbike was real. We ALMOST crashed. Of course, everyone lived to tell the story.
What a day.
Years go by and I will still be waiting for somebody else to understand....
Friendster. Here I come!!!
Spent hours hogging the camp computer just to figure out how to beautify my blog. I have learnt bits and pieces of how to change the html to get the results I want.
Please give comments if it's nice or not.
Today, life is as normal.
The stage is cold.
Nick, Alex and Liao went to watch American Wedding, and me, tolerating the torture my tummy is giving.
It's better now.
Love me tender, love me sweet.
Shower time.
Boring Weekend
Nope. Jeremy has not become a chenogster although his friends asked him to go to zouk to 'chill out' last night. Although he had a little voice inside to ask him to go, he didn't. As usual.
And nope. Jeremy has not become a cheongster overnight although he asked Nick to accompany him and his friends, which the idea was in the end put off.
Although Jeremy did not go cheonging at Zouk, there was late supper at 85 market, at voice therapy at KTV at SAFRA Tamp.
Has Jeremy's nightlife gradually became more active?
Or was he wanting only to accompany his friends who were so busy at day studying?
He reached home yesterday at 2 am. And it's his second Sat night in a row he reached home so 'early'.
Hey!! Get a life.
So bored at home in a lazy afternoon, and the weather is so indesicive. No rain. No sun.
Nothing to do.
I hope the following week will not be as busy as the previous one. Or else everyone will go ga-ga, i.e. crazy.
And that's how the cookie crumbles. Adapted from Bruce Almighty.
With reference to the previous entry, if you don'y know who's Arnorld Gay, he's a news anchor in channel i news.
It's a star-studded... eh... presentation.
The decrescendo of the audience's chattering became distinctive as the lights began to dim. And as boss went up to stage, silence was acheived.
Obviously, the spot light is all on him, while Nick waited behind for his share of glam.
I never knew what happened during boss's show, cos I was waiting below, catching my deep breaths to cool myself down, but from Nick, it was alright. No major disruption.
As boss stammered a little on deciding how he should introduce Nick on stage, Nick wept the last few drops of cold sweat off his temper, and with a deep gulp of air, the long-awaited sunshine smile shone on his face.
The spot light on him.
He did his stuff. All his hard work was put into good use, I supposed. There's little interaction from the audience but there was this row of 'celebrities' who caught his eyes. The 'sleeping god', the 'I am gonna bombard u with questions' and the 'Good evening. Welcome to the evening news and I'm Arnold Gay.' Yes. It was him. I was the one who noticed him, which was later confirmed by Sam and Nick.
Where's Sam? Panic got on me as it was his cue to be onstage. Darn! His phone was off. Was he trapped by the devoring spirits at the canteen?
There was no time to lose. Countdown came to only a few seconds left.
Suddenly, the familiar image appeared. I nearly crushed him under by foot like a cockroach.
His performance was mediocre, I felt. No prejudice though.
It's the cue for me. I wasn't nervous at all, surprisingly. Compared to the previous broadways and hollywood's performance, this just small stuff. I did my
thing (pronouced
thang). The lights were a bit dim though. Couldn't really see my audience.
The screen that was behind me went off suddenly. Sam came to the rescue. Boss helped to entertain the audience a little.
0930 was the time. Time of relieve. Time to pack up and go.
The show was done.
I presented in front of Arnold Gay.
I presented in front of Arnold Gay.
It's good to be in this business sometimes. You get to see stars and famous people real life, sometimes.
There was Tay Ping Hui, Arnold Gay, the guy who acted small parts here and there... Even goverment people.
I presented to Arnold Gay today.
Smile. It will help.
Wish me luck.