Sunday, October 21, 2007

The aimless route

It comes to a point of time when the end point seems so far away that you never know if you are reaching. You are just doing the things you have to do, following the route that you never know where it would bring you to. And you never know if all these things that you did are worthy at all.

I am like this aimless wanderer. I don't know what to expect and just live my life I think it is supposed to be. There are so many things to do, that it reaches a stage where I do it because I have to finish it, and not really learning much in this process. At the beginning, there's still some hope that I can achieve what I want, but now it seems mission: impossible.

I am not depressed because of that, just that at one point or the other, I will just wonder what the heck I am doing and is it worthwhile all not.

Anyway, I have learned to take things with a pinch of salt, and not get drowned by all the things that are happening.

Last Saturday was Hari Raya Puasa. After the usual visit to my grandaunt's place for good food, I met up with my ex-colleagues from my previous attachment company at uncle ferry's place. It's really fun, bringing up past memories and get updated of the latest gossips from the office.

I was doing all that while there's a take home test going on and it was supposed to be due on the next day evening. Madness was the word to describe that Sunday. I was trying to get the results out, and was so panicky that my mood was greatly affected. Although in the end, I managed to turned in my answers online on time, by the end of that day, I was totally energy-drained and exhausted.

Friday's evening was spent with Reso peeps, as we come together to celebrate belated birthdays of Alan, Charm and Jiaen. Dinner was at New York New York at Citylink. This was the first time I had an outing with the current Reso com and I really think they are also a bunch of crazy people, just like the rest of Reso. Post dinner activity was KTV, and this was actually the first time (at least for me) that I went KTV with Reso peeps. It was amazing to go with people who can actually sing at KTV, as you could do harmonies during duets and get to hear powerful belting of songs by Powerhouses like Zhang Hui Mei and David Tao. Totally amazed by Suhui's and Jiaen's version of Shan Hu Hai, and Alan's cover of Canto pop in his deep baritone voice. I really think we should go KTV more often. Reached home at 2 am. It's been a long long time since I last stayed out till so late.

I am going to school more often and staying in school later, all thanks to the piles and piles of assignments and group projects. Just like last Friday, as we had a take home test, we stayed in school till around 10pm, and still could not get anything out of the test. The Thursday that had just past was even more crazy when we stayed in school past 1030pm to get our design project done as much as possible. And I had to go back to school yesterday for project meeting and make-up lecture. Had to reach school at 8am, although I reached home at 2am that very morning. Super high-ness!

Anticipate that I have to stay in school more often the next few weeks to meet project and assignment deadlines. Come to think of it, sometimes, it's better to have things to do than nothing, but this time, it comes a bit too much and a bit too fast to handle.

Hai. Life's like that. Love it or hate it.

Saturday, October 06, 2007

Righteous Blog? Writer's block!

It is always not easy to just blog what is in the mind, as you know that people are reading, and before you can write anything, you have to go through an internal censorship to make sure what you don't want people to know won't be let out of the bag. And when you have to go through all that to write, you sometimes will be have a mental block, not knowing how to express inner feelings and not letting other people know exactly what it is all about.

I am not that all creative to do all that, so basically, most of my blogs are very direct. And if I don't want people to know about anything, I just won't write it down.

Just some random rambles before updating about my life.

It's been a really busy, busy semester, with countless projects, assignments, reports, and what-nots. Emotions have been very extreme as well, from the ultimate hysteria to sudden chilled expression. But I have learned to take a break from this monotonous cycle of stress.

A Sunday afternoon walk at east coast park with the primary school gang could be really relaxing. I wanted to cycle at first, but none of them seemed excited. So we walked from one end of the park to the other end. Took some photos too.

The next Saturday evening was spent with used-to-be-color-coordinated JC band mates in town. It was the usual teasing, laughing, camera-whoring and appreciation. I think that was a long long time since everyone from the usual gang turned up as everyone was always so busy. Really had fun catching up with these people.

I think I wasted this whole of Saturday. Hopefully I can catch up with my work.