Sunday, February 29, 2004

Come Fly with Me

courtesy of shu yau and terence, the whole wing is able to visit asian aerospace on friday and best of all it's free! never ever in my life i am able to see so many planes at one go, well, besides at the airport. but this time it's different. i was able to be so close to them. there were private jets and helicopters.

and here are the memories...

You are now in Flight SQ 8762 and...

Sometimes, I wish I was the pilot...

1, 2, 3...

That's the great thing about trade invite... You can your own personalised Visitor Pass!

met up with cg mate on sat... thanks to ming yang (with mystery beau), cassia (with the invisible beau), peizhen (with present beau, justin who ran away, feeling awkward), abhinav, kiran, peikai, kelvin (who keep presenting his name cards to us) and teik yoong.

although it's a really short one, i realised besides peizhen looking more matured with her long hair, no one has really changed. maybe, ming yang has become more extrovert. I don't know. and cassia has come up with some business, being an agent for female promoters... aka mamasan.

hope tomorrow will be fine. and the day after tomorrow. and the day after...

Thursday, February 26, 2004

It's love, not duty.

today, 1 of my officers says something that causes me to pause and think for a while.

You take care of your parents not because it's your duty. It's because it's love.

that is so true.

so many times we have said it's our duty, but how many times we said it's love?

quite a busy day today, running here and there, preparing for the special occasion of my unit in april. went recce and took some photos.

have to come up with powerpoint slides by mon.

means work at home. *flustered*

hope everything will turn out fine on Mon.

see aeroplanes fly tomorrow. *EXCITED*

wish me luck!!

Tuesday, February 24, 2004

It isn't that funny eh...

well, jason han, after much undying persuasion, asked me to post this. so here it goes:

Scene: Jason cutting ribbons for the certs. Genfeng and me helping to tie the certs.

Genfeng: Are there enough ribbons for the remaining certs?

Jason: (as he was cutting the last ribbon) Hold on. Let me do a quick count.

After counting for some while,

Jason: What's 3 + 5?

Genfeng: (without much thinking) 8!

Jason: (in his usual nose-blocked voice) Alamak! My maths very the good ah! (refering to the same number of ribbons he has cut and the remaining untied certs)

Genfeng and Jeremy: (bursting into laughter) ?!?!?!

sense the irony?

jason thought it's rather funny and insisted that I should post this on my journal. so being a nice and good friend, here it is.

anyway, we talked bout how we studied for a levels, and how important that we have to study hard in uni.


Noon Blogging

recently, i have been blogging more often during the lunch break not because i have a lot of thought sduring the day, but it's just that i am afraid i have not the chance to blog at night due to the fact i stay in camp.

recent, blogs have been pictureless, but i have no nice pictures to post. a sign to get a digicam?

basically, there's emptiness almost anywhere.


in fact, i can think better at night, and i think my blogs are more creative and funny if i blog at night...

that's all for now.

Monday, February 23, 2004

New entry

haha, if you observe properly, i have added a new entry to my list of friends having blogs. welcome (with gigantic huge arms) sir, to blogging...

if you mind me linking to your blog, tell me so and i will remove it!!!

another of my jc outing this sat. it's not that we have this so often, but i think it's going to be another of a low turn out again... but this it's not me organising, so maybe there will be more people going. (no link? ha! WHO CARES?)

lonely night, lonely day.

Sunday, February 22, 2004

Music all night long

running in the morning makes you fresh. but of course, that is if you can get up in the morning to run, and you have to endure the pain during the run itself. so there i was, in the sat morning LIFE run in camp.

david tao's life performance at hong kong was great. almost no regrets getting the vcd.

finally it was decided to have ktv with the colour-coordinated group at that evening at sunlight city. i realise that singing out of tune is great fun, after sining in tune for so long. it definitely brought out a lot of laughter from the group, the one bad thing is that after singing out of tune, i don't really feel like singing already. here there i was, making a great fool of myself doing all the adlibs and bad harmonising.

after dinner at pasta mania at cineleisure, i headed to chinablack with my camp mates to celebrate lewis's birthday. how blessed i was to have such wonderful friends who accompanied to chinablack, and partly because they wanted to get a feel of how cheonging is like. so there i was, met up with nick (who brought us in), lewis, joyce, alex, cindy, shu yau, yang fei, chersiong, ewen, terence, kaiyen, liao...

so that's the sat. and it was sleeping most of the time on sun...

Where is the love?

Friday, February 20, 2004

The verdict is out!!!

yup! the truth is out! nope! not another episode of X-files nor some detective movies.

the age of 21 is old.

even being 20 is old.

to have a digit 2 in front of the double digit number is considered old.

no offence though, but after watching channel's U episode of snap, where groups of young and energetic friends are featured, i feel that the old age is coming...

haha! another of my crazy thoughts.

just something to ponder about...


Scene: Walking towards canteen for breakfast with Ewen, who is going the Signal store.
Time: 0830

Jeremy: (sounding tired and with a rather deep and lazy voice)I'm tired...

Ewen: What time you slept last night?

Jeremy: Eh... Around 12am...

Ewen: Ha! (with much energy) I slept at around 2 and still am fresher than you. The longer you sleep, the more tired you are.

Jeremy: (feeling confused and amused) Then don't sleep at all ah!

what logic is that?

good day!

Thursday, February 19, 2004

Short Term Goals

somehow or rather, a gush of boiling passion or feeling came rushing in me. and here they are: my short term goals...

1) to learn how to use macromedia so that i can produce simple flash.

2) to become slimmer and fitter, which in turn will become more appealing in terms of looks. (ha, the latter is just a bonus)

3) to save enough to get a rather good digital camera.

4) to save more to get nicer clothes for future use in university. (vain me right?)

5) to save even more money for don't-know-god-what-else.

for now, that's all. may not fulfil all the goals though.

Wednesday, February 18, 2004

A night of disappointments...

along came polly was slightly disappointed. i wasn't really tickled by all the jokes in this movie. well, there are few digusting scenes which didn't do its tickling tricks either. basically, i was there for jennifer aniston. she was ok. ben stiller wasn't that funny. a 4 out of 10. sorry. a good romance comedy must touch me deeply. well, not this one. i felt like as if i am watching a rather good actor, trying to get some laughs in a circus show.

another disappointment. there aren't many good singers in tonight's episode of American Idol. it seemed like all the better ones are concentrated in the 1st semi-final. well, not all is bad. there is only about ONE rather good singer in this round. and that is the hawaiian gal. forgot her name though.

so that's it.

good night!

Tuesday, February 17, 2004

A day in the life of....

mine? boring. as usual.

the-fortunately-yet-lonely-partnerless-jeremy is blessed with wonderful friends who are willing to spend their lonely valentine's nights with jeremy. zh bought flowers for the gals. *how romantic*. yet the unromantic jeremy just treat them to coffee bean. well, laughter filled the night as usual, jokes mainy from the crappy zh. deeply appreciated lix's effort to join the group although she was already ill for the past few weeks.

calvin's quest to his studies in brisbane has begun last sunday. me, cher siong, liao, sae, and nick were there to see him off. so that's it. all the best and bestest regards were sent to him.

fish and co, and brownie for yan's 2nd-mini 21st birthday celebration last night. then off to giodarno where her gang nearly swept off everything that was visible on the shelves. then met up with jason and the rest to get chong han's present. bump into many of my ex-sispec cum bmtc friends. argg, another of the game. ha!

feb is a birthday month. have already celebrated 2 birthdays. 2 more coming up. this also means cash on the low end again. argg. when then can i get my digicam?

recently, i felt a bit lost somehow, can't really put them into words. it's not about aims or goals in life. (i have already lost them when i am in the army, but don't worry, i will get them back once i am out of it. i hope so.)

it's about people-to-people relationship. sometimes, i just don't really understand what's going on. for instance, you know it's a bright and sunny day. there are no clouds nor rain. but you just feel the chill somehow. it's that feeling of being not able to understand what's wrong with the world.

it's like you don't understand what is the reason behind when justin timberlake ripped off janet jackson's bra.

time has healed many sorrows and souls. it's now time to heal mine.

feeling poetic, eh.

Saturday, February 14, 2004

Lonely Valentine's?

outing with wen and company is not confirmed yet. sianz. valentine;s is not only for lovers but also for people who celebrate friendship and relationship between parents and children.

anyway, here's a mosaic of pics u've got from the PRDIE day booklet in camp yesterday. quite interesting. it's about creativity and innovations.


Friday, February 13, 2004

Smart Vs Intellectual

r u smart? or r u intellectual? what's the difference? somehow, a conversation between me and terence from my office yesterday sparked this very intellectual question.

coutersy of

intellectual: \In`tel*lec"tu*al\ (?; 135), a. [L. intellectualis: cf. F. intellectuel.]

1. Belonging to, or performed by, the intellect; mental; as, intellectual powers, activities, etc.

Logic is to teach us the right use of our reason or intellectual powers. --I. Watts.

2. Endowed with intellect; having the power of understanding; having capacity for the higher forms of knowledge or thought; characterized by intelligence or mental capacity; as, an intellectual person.

Who would lose, Though full of pain, this intellectual being, Those thoughts that wander through eternity? --Milton.

3. Suitable for exercising the intellect; formed by, and existing for, the intellect alone; perceived by the intellect; as, intellectual employments.

4. Relating to the understanding; treating of the mind; as, intellectual philosophy, sometimes called ``mental'' philosophy.


adj 1: showing mental alertness and calculation and resourcefulness [ant: stupid]

2: elegant and stylish; "chic elegance"; "a smart new dress"; "a suit of voguish cut" [syn: chic, voguish]

3: characterized by quickness and ease in learning; "some children are brighter in one subject than another"; "smart children talk earlier than the average" [syn: bright]

4: improperly forward or bold; "don't be fresh with me"; "impertinent of a child to lecture a grownup"; "an impudent boy given to insulting strangers" [syn: fresh, impertinent, impudent, overbold, saucy]

5: of or associated with people of fashion; "the smart set"

6: marked by smartness in dress and manners; "a dapper young man"; "a jaunty red hat" [syn: dapper, dashing, jaunty, natty, raffish, rakish, snappy, spruce]

jeremy: i think science students are smart and arts people are intellectual.

terence: that's why i am a science student in jc and in arts and social science in nus. i am both smart and intellectual!!

jeremy: ?!?!?

do you agree?

the definitions don't seem to explain the above conversation.

Thursday, February 12, 2004

A good voice? Neh!

what is the uniquess of the voice? that's what the judges want in this season of american idol. basically, everyone in the semi-finals can sing. the one with the most outstanding voice. it's just that easy. what is the most difficult part is to possess that special voice.

after watching the grammy's and american idol, suddenly felt the urge to download a few songs.

justin timberlake's justified, senorita, cry me a river.

christina arguilera's the voice within.

outkast's hey ya, hello miss jackson.

luther vandross's dance with my father.

and a lot more....

Wednesday, February 11, 2004

I want a Digital Camera!!!

the urge of getting a digicam is getting stronger after seeing so many photoblogs on the net and how beautifully the photos were taken.

is it just a moment of rash which will die soon or is it really an interest?

the failure of the ability to save up to a certain amount is restraining me from getting one...


Tuesday, February 10, 2004


it's a star-studded night! the event's grazed by many stars, including the young, the beautiful, the ugly (what happened to you, christina arguilera?), the experienced, and the royalty (queen latifah, you rock and although i missed the joint performance by prince and beyonce, i believe it's an incredibly awesome one).

i am to lazy to list down all the winners and all so, here's the official site if you are interested.

however, there a few names i must mention. for the past few years, these names of santana, alicia keys and norah jones get repeated most frequently on stage. this year, i must say that the list welcomes the name of beyonce. she swept 5 out of 6 awards she was nominated for, and her dangerously in love is dangerously well-sung, and her crazy in love is crazily remarkable.

the scandalous justin timberlake swept two awards. this chap is definitely keeping abreast with the lastest fashion tips, with this pink smart shirt while receiving his awards, his hip-hop stylish outfit while singing where is the love with Black eyed peas.

Other winners? The not-so-beautiful Christina Arguilera sang her award-winning song, beautiful. She won best female pop vocal performance with song.

Outkast won too.

Evanescene won newcomer award.

The others? look for yourself! i am not paid for giving info, ya know??

anyway here are some beautiful and not-so-beautiful winners and performers.

the beautiful

the not-so-beautiful

p/s: ho yeow sun was also there. nicely dressed. check out today's life!

Monday, February 09, 2004

Jinyan's 21st Birthday

this is quite a memorable year as many of my friends would celebrate their 21st birthdays. 21 years of life may not really be long, but it's a significance of independance, although some of us somehow or rather still quite dependant (hee, including me). What-so-ever, yan's birthday party in the row whom i have attended. first in the list was feng's.

it's like some gathering or what where i met some whom i have not seen for quite some time. there was yinli who was in the same OG group with me when i am in year one of tjc. there was also weili (a music teacher to be who is now currently in nie) whom i have not met for almost 10 years. he was in the same co as me when we were in fengshan cc. and met some of her relatives.

besides cakes, food, card games and a bit of mahjong, some unknown stuff involving cupid arrows on her came to light during her party at downtown east (pasir ris ntuc chalet). this shows that some communication has been lacking within our gorup eh. ha!

it's a maybe, then a no, then maybe a yes, then defintely a yes when considering whether to stay at her chalet. but after bowling game, which i scored terribly and qiwen became the unpredicted winner for the first round, it was already 1 am and so we stayed at the chalet. poor lix who was down with a sore throat and commitments in her schoolwork, was unable to spend the night with us. however there was me zh, wen, the birthday gal and some of her friends.

so that's how the weekend went with a large part of sunday noon spent in bed.

Don't want to close my eyes, I don't to fall alseep cos I miss you babe, and I don't want to miss a thing.

Just heard it on radio.

Friday, February 06, 2004

Maybe I am wrong

what is the definition of right or wrong? who defines them?

unanswered questions always left pounding in the head.

many fell sick recently. to those whom i care for, please take care and drink more water and sleep well.

lonliness pierce through the sea of laughter.

what's the matter with the ignorance?

a play with words that went out of hand? (realise it's a question)

i treasure and cherish the ones around me. and i am not kidding about that.

what it seems to be isn't what it should be.

am i too giving?

haiz... am i saying too much nonsensical rubbish?

just a few thoughts.

weekends're here and yan's birthday is the NEXT BIG THING.

Tomorrow will be a better day.

I pray.

Wednesday, February 04, 2004


what more can i say? to swim in the tough sea or to let go and drown? to wear a mask and be the best actor on stage or be the ugly, disfigured face behind it?

maybe it sounds much more serious than it seems to be. just trying to play with a bit of expressions, which might not work.

i am fine.

everyone has a couple of undiscovered secrets or unearthed feelings or emotions. i am just a typical component of the human race.

i will learn to grow and mature.

Tuesday, February 03, 2004

It's the night of unharmonised harmony and uncontrolled shoutings

well, i am talking about feng's 21st birthday at cha ren ji jia. well, besides almost getting lost when couldn't find our destination, and getting unpleasant comments from our dear ang, that day was basically quite fun. poor feng who was so drowned by the regulars and his poor girlfriend who had to take care of him. but as a compensation, yeo drove him back, and guess what, an acer mp3 player cum fm tuner cum thumb drive as his 21st birthday souvenir.

so sorry that i had to go off early and couldn't stay to see your sorry state.

monday was genghi's khan, again, with family. and i was the only one in my age group, again.

had a crazy idea. channel u is looking for a bunch of chirpy and energetic friends in snap at bugis this sat. hey sy... maybe the color-coordinated gang could show how color-coordinated we are and what's more... appear on TV. with ziyang's and gary's dashing cum boyish cum oh-so-love-me look, and priscillia's and shan's and sianying's girl-power looks, i believe we can at least appear on tv somehow. what about moi?

i am joking, seriously.

the truth is always shadowed by some darkness, and the fear and unwillingness are always great barrier.

jeremy, you know what i mean.

Great site

a great site... at least for me who like chinese pop so much... and here's the site...

for now, i won't talk about feng's 21st birtday at cha ren... it's madness anyway

music moments...