American Idol
I just can't love American Idol even more!
Personal favourite and whom I think should win this? Carrie Underwood.
Who I adore? Anwar and Bo Bice? How I wished I had their voices!
Who will be voted out next? I have no the slightest idea at all! All of them are like so good and even the not so good one performed quite well. But I hope Nadia will be voted out because her stage presence is superb, she has one of the weakest voices.
What do you think?
Done with acapella for now
finally the mini presentation by the juniors is like over. and so that will be that much of acapella singing for now. guess i will miss acapella for a while. and now i must switch to mugging mode and start catching up what i have missed.
basically, what i can conclude from this evening's performance is there it's more entertaining visually more than musically. the jokes are more or less there and the crappiness are crappy enough for the audience to understand. although i thought that our version of 'fire' was edited and modified over the top, the rest of the modifications were nice, especially 'under the boardwalk' with the imitation of the carousel interlude.
however, i think, more importantly, our singing, intonation, pitch and delivery of song needs like a thousand miles of improvement. sometimes, i think we are too concerned with choreography and the concern of getting our pitch right makes us ignore other musical aspects. hmmm, and i was like wondering how should we go to competition with this kinda of standard.
of course, i didn't like say this right in front of the face, cause i am at no position to give such comments.
not all is bad. i did enjoy myself singing with this bunch of crazy people.
sometimes, the concept of engin people are dead boring and uninteresting people is not that accurate after all. today, jiejiun told me that during maths lecture yesterday, some guy asked the lecturer to show some powerpoint slide to propose to a girl in the group. the slide showed like asking to hold the girl's hand. imagine how embarassing the girl will be, and i think he forgot that the lecture was webcasted, so not only those in the lecture saw the act, but basically the whole engin year one and those who have access to MA1506 webcast can see the act.
if you are the girl, how will you react?
i would never even think to do that.
and oh yah, junli, me, jiejiun, mingli and jack went to changi village last friday(Good friday, how apt!) for our sociology observation project on deviant groups, and of course we did an non participant observation (READ: NON-OBSERVATION) on their deviant activities. it was really interesting to observe such people and how they are fished by customers. and of course, before that we had dinner together with weian at cafe cartel at tampines mall, and while waiting we had desert at changi village and while observing we had tim sum. it's like we were having a feast instead of doing project. as jack had to leave early (he drove the car), jiejiun asked his brother to drive us back. how interesting it was to see jiejiun and his brother talked cos basically their mannerism were the same. and when they talked to each other, it's like 2 jiejiuns talking to each other. they looked alike too.
it seemed i had a busy weekend and week, and it's only tues. now i would be busy with project and mugging for exams. fyi, exams are like abut 3 weeks from now.
i must study hard. can't afford to slack!
good luck guys too, in your venture in mugging.
wish me luck!
A great idea for my birthday present!
I know my birthday is still a few more weeks away, but seriously and sincerely, (and thick-skinnedly), i don't mind having this for my birthday present.

Cost: S$ 799
Date released: Unknown!
Hmmmm.. I hope it will be out by my birthday.
Thanks in advance! A big smooch from moi!
Cover page gal
Hmmm. i really do have beautiful friends.
as i was walking from the arts canteen to engin for my next lecture today, ok it was yesterday since it passed midnight, i was given this magazine by some guy who was giving out the mags. it's a NUS mag. i saw this mag before and on the cover page, it was always some pretty gals.
so i was looking at this issue, i thought it looked like shin ni, my ex secondary school friend and current reso mate. but i didn't bother that much and continue reading the contents, looking for more pretty gals in the mag.
and it so happened that i saw the name of the model on the cover page, and it was shin ni.
i thought she looked better real life, and how ironic as the name of the mag is Get Real.

this is something i will never experience for myself.
Stress mode II
And the worst of all? I am getting fatter.
p/s : the difference between getting fat and fatter is that the former describes one who is previously not fat and is getting fat while the latter describes one who is already fat and is giving the weighing scale more hard time.
yup. i am the latter.
Stress mode
i think when i am in a new state 0f stress mode. what does that mean? previously when i am stressed i will just go into a state of blurness, and foodless and do stuff that isolates me from the rest of the world. well, that hasn't gone away but now in the addition of the this list, there's a tendency to spend more.
one might say that is retail therapy but i think it is more than that. sometimes i don't even consider how needless for me to spend such unnecessarily.
a good example? i took a cab from the mrt station back to PGP last night, just because i was lazy to wait for the bus. i begin spend more on food, and now, i feel like buying an mp3 player.
and when now i am in library, there's an urge to get a headphone just beacuse i want to listen to music in the libarary.
i am stressed.
yesterday, at home, i was very very cold to my parents. i know i shouldn't do that, but i just can't help it. especially when exams are like less than a month away, and when i can't do my maths and programming tutorial, and my readings are in a rate of a crawling snail, and i am failing my tests.
not the best semester, i concluded.
hope you have a better one.
Making choices...
Why can' we have the best of both worlds?
i just browsed one of my friend's blog and his photos for his hall's dinner and dance. Hall life always seems to be full of activities and you will never find any tinge of boredom in the world of boiling bubbles and sparkling fireworks. But for now, I am living in a forest of croaking frogs and crickets.
But hall life is sometimes too full of activities and the glitters and shimmers, that you do not have the time to sleep.
I like the gitters but i do appreciate the dark too.
I have applied for stay in PGP next sem. Should I change to hall?
I have until 22 march to decide.
It's friday!
It's already friday night and i am still in school...
went to NUS wind symphony's concert last night. made up a last min decision to go. the concert was quite ok, with familiar songs, like Monoke Hime Medley and Children of Sanchez, being played.
will be going out on sat, finally, since a long time ago. i need to get a life.
Fat hope...
i dream to have that all so gorgeous chiselled look which can make all guys so shameful of themselves and can make the gals ogle with admiration.
i dream to have the physique that even myself cannot believe it.
but for now, i am fat and ugly, and that fats on the cheeks justr won't go again.
i am down again...
the weighing machine and the mirror are such horrorendous things one can have. it only shows the truth, nothing but the truth. the recent visits to the gym haven't been of much help, either, although each session lasts only about thirty mins, and i didn't go to the gym as often, all thanks to mid terms tests.
but these are no excuses i should give myself.
i am despair.
the possibilty of me being lean is not impossible mission. evidence?

i like this photo, although i look like an idiot. but at least I AM NOT THAT FAT! it's taken in 2002 at TJC when i was there with my parents during college day to receive some academic award. it's so gimmicky.
but look at me now!

well, this photo is taken at Kym's 22nd birthday this year at some hotel. nope, the celebration is not at the hotel, but we just ate at a korean steamboat restaurant in the hotel, near the forum. and nope, we did not have Seoul Garden.
haiz. how?
the determination is dwindling with failed attempts at the gym. maybe i should spend longer hours at the gym.
but i cannot afford the time, with so much work packed.
maybe i should not eat at all. all maybe i should look at pics of my old self or fit people to inspire me to work out.
Confession of a boy...
i sinned again...
i took a cab back to PGP. all thanks to Moulin Rouge, that is shown on TV till 9.30 pm. with the lame excuse of being tired and a bit sick, and its already so late, i've decided to take a cab back. i know i have watched Moulin Rouge a trillion and one times, but I just love the movie. Besides the enchanting soundtrack that drives me to ecstasy, it's the loving story that makes me so wanna be in love.
if you haven't watched it, it's a shame.
during the ride back, many thoughts came to mind. well basically, one thought links to the other. this reminds me of a poem, the title that I have forgotten.
these thoughts could not be revealed. *secretive*
it must be the effects of Moulin Rouge.
the greatest thing on earth: is to love and be loved in return.
Low concentration
i just cant concentrate in my room...
have to really concentrate.
the library is a good place. any takers to join me next time?
mid terms results just going down the drain...
i doubt tomorrow's ma1506 would be any better.
wish me luck.