To all
I have no idea what happened to my previous posts.
To those who ask when my exams end, it's on the 3rd of may.
I am just wasting my time...
I know I should be studying, but time must be allocated for rest right??
anyway, presenting.... Artist Jeremy!!
I call this painting: Beyond the frames.!!
SYF results...
I know it's a bit late and I am like out of the band scene, and now it's like the exam period, but yah, here's the result. the award system have changed too. no more top 5 bands. only gold and gold with honours. how interesting.
surprised that TKGS and Yuhua didn't get gold with honours. they were like the top few bands during era.
and surprise surprise! Anglican High: GOLD WITH HONOURS!! hmmm. they must have improved tremendously to beat TKGS and Yuhua, cos they were only ok when I heard them play last dec.
there has been great change in the band scene.
5th may will be judgement day for TJ band.
anyway, congrats! they must be damn happy. like when we first got gold when I was sec 4. Another breakthrough eh?
have to get back to my studies...
A birthday gift from the kawaii one...

I love it!! thanks.
As i mentioned in you lj, you have made my day.
once again, thanks!
p/s: i hope this gift is a temporary one. waiting for the real one. muahaha...
Nothing is impossible
That's right. Nothing is impossible. You will never know when the sky will fall, and it might happen.
Nothing is really impossible. The possibility I might fail and have to retake a module is also possible.
*Touch wood*
A sign of my stress! The day after my hatch day.
And if you ask me how I spent this day, I was at home the whole day. Only form of celebration: television.
How great can that be.
I can sense a headache coming.
And thanks to all the SMSes and calls, and what-so-ever. Glad you remember. especially during this busy period.
Things that happened since last weekend
Some updates in my life since last weekend...
1. Stayed back in school till 8pm to do Jap studies project. Reached home at around ten and went to buy dinner. Did not do anything else.
2. Tried to do some programming tutorials but failed.
3. I chipped my tooth.
4. Reached school at 6 pm on sunday.
5. Stayed up to do Jap project at friend's room in Raffles Hall till 4 am the next day. (I stay in PGP, fyi.) Slept at 5am.
6. Woke up at 8am for class.
7. My handphone's screen went bogus and now nothing appeared on the screen.
8. Studied for programming practical exams.
9. Skipped lectures to study for practical exams.
10. Webcasts to be watced added to the pile.
11. Programming Practical exam today.
12 Done and dead for pratical exam today.
13. Tried to study in library.
14. Too many people in library and so left the library.
15. Saw Sian Ying today, whom I did not meet since the dinosaur roam the earth.
Yup. Basically that's it.
A new form phobia
And i will name this new form of phobia as
cepphobia. that's the scientific name.
basically this new form of phobia has several symptoms and doesn't have to apply too all who have this phobia.
1. shrieks and pulls hair when attemting Chem engin principles tutorial.
2. falls asleep when the CEP text is opened or when facing the notes.
3. scratches head and staring blankly at text or notes, if the person is still awake.
4. shivers with fear when the exam date of CEP is mentioned again and again.
5. transforms to hyper anger mode when the term
Mark Saeys is mentioned.
6. any other exaggerated and abnormal actions when any terms or people involved with CEP is concerned.
CEP: a supposedly easy module which is made much worse with non understandble explanations and terms made much more difficult, by poor lecturing, aka Chemical Engineering Principles.
ArE yOu a CePpHObic?
First cut is the deepest...
sometimes i just don't understand the things i do...
and this time is the first time i did something i never thought i will do.
it's not that serious so don't ask.
maybe it will be the first and the last.
and now, i hope to concentrate on my prog lab and my studies. it's about midnight!
wish me luck!
Destress methods
exams are like around the corner and i haven't started my revision. still trying very hard to catch up with work that i have missed like months ago.
any suggestions of how i can destress and yet don't sacrifice the time?
blogging is a good way!
remember about the girl who was asked for approval to go on a relationship by a guy in front of everyone during MA1506 lecture last week? it was such a hot issue that even people in malaysia knew about this. and the webcast clip is hotter than paris hilton's sex video.
i am exaggerating, but yah, that's how happening it is.
poor girl. as her name was mentioned and flashed on powerpoint, now her name was like evrywhere in NUS, and everyone began to read her blog. if i am not wrong, i think she changed her blog in the end.
being a busybody me, i read her blog too. she's really quite pity there are people who scolded her for god-knows-what-reason.
hmmm. popularity isn't all that nice after all.