An item erased off the wish list
I think you would have guessed what it is.
It came quite suddenly because we didn't plan to get any digicam while shopping today, although I hinted to my father after going to the temple for Vesak Day prayers that we should hit Bugis, and since Parco Bugis and all the other shopping centres are still closed, I hinted again that we should go to Sim Lim. Can't it get more obvious?
But seriously, I just wanna have a look at the camera available and didn't intend to get one. But being impulsive and all, my father got the first digicam the salesperson recommended to him. Luckily I was around, if not he would have gotten the most expensive one and maybe the most non-worthy one.
For me, it wasn't the perfect digicam I was looking for, but it is the cheapest. So well, I don't have any much say besides answering my father when he asked me if I know how to use it.
Being a genius and expert in toilet bowls, of course I know how to use it. The basic functions of all digicams are the same, ain't I right?
Well, I suggested that we looked around at other shops first before deciding which one to get, but being impulsive and all, my father decided that he should get the one that first caught his eye, well or at least the first one which the salesperson recommended him.
He bought it, in the end. The first one which the salesperson recommended to him.
And being the only child in the whole family (there are only 3 of us, me, my mum and my dad), all funny gadgets that seem alien to my father becomes mine, and although I promise I will teach my dad how to use it, he doesn't have the patience to learn it.
And the role my mother played in this adventurous journey of getting the digicam, she just kept quiet most of the time, knowing that my dad will get the first digicam which the salesperson recommend to him, without much consideration. She is used to it, although her eyes showed her unsatisfaction and "see-that's-your-father-for-you" and "I-kept-quiet-doesn't-mean-I-am-happy" attidtude.
Anyway, I'm ok with it. But I think that in the end, the digicam will still be my father's toy, although for now, it's mine.
I felt cheated by the salesperson, who recommend the digicam to my dad.

p/s: Mine, oppps I mean my dad's, is silver colored.
Why I seldom or don't sms people to go out anymore?
Any clues what the song or phrase living on a jet plane is all about?
Just some boring thoughts.
My daily routine has become so repetitive and dull that I don't have anyting much to say about it.
1) Day starts.
2) Brushes teeth.
3) Breakfast.
4) Newspaper and Classified Jobs.
5) Online to look for jobs.
6) TV and lunch.
7) More TV.
8) TV and Dinner.
9) TV.
10) Sleep.
11) Day ends.
Ok. There are some variations here and there if someone ask me out (if there's any), or I go to school for my acapella session.
Probably I am always online quite early (if you think 10 am is early), I don't really see anyone online.
I am just bothered. No one just messages me anything anymore, like "Hey! What ya doing? Wanna go out?".
Maybe I should take the initiative. But the fear of rejection has obstructed from doing so. I blame no one. People have to work. And on weekends, people have their boyfriends and girlfriends to go out with. And those who are single have their other friends to go out with. Who wants to go out with the stupid Jeremy?
You know? It's only on msn that I ask if people wanna go out together. The impact of rejection is not as great as when you sms them. When you sms, you will have to wait because some people just dump their handphones in the toilet bowls and it will take a longer time for the beeping sound to reach them. And when they hear their handphones beep, they will just take forever to get rid of the smell from their handphones. Finally when they think that it's clean enough, they will then read the sms. And when they know it's the stupid Jeremy asking them if they want to have a cuppa, they will just dump their handphones back into toilet bowls, thinking that they will reply Jeremy if the next sms comes in. Save the effort. Waiting causes anticipation and hope that finally Jeremy can see the sunlight and go out to have fun. And when rejection strides in, the impact will then be great.
It's different on msn. They know that Jeremy can see them online (m-s-n-ically and not literally talking), so they just reply. And when the sun is good and their feeling can't be even better, because their flip-handphones' screens are still working even after dumping them into the toilet bowls, not like Jeremy's Samsung flip phone where the screen is spoilt just because it's owned by the stupid Jeremy, they then consider whether to have a cuppa with Jeremy. And since the waiting factor is not as significant as when using sms, rejection will not cause Jeremy to be depressed the whole day.
That's why now, I seldom sms people if they are free anymore. And if they are not on msn, then the chances of asking my friends for a cuppa are even slimmer. And since my friends are always such creatures who are active at night and sleeps till the sun sets the next day, they are seldom online when I am online, and that's why I am always at home.
And you know what?
I didn't know I can be so crappy.
Living aimlessly...
Do you ever have the feeling that you see your friends doing something or achieving something and you feel that you want to do the same thing until it seems that you want to do everything that is under the sky?
I have.
Yesterday, while roaming around Tampines Mall looking for possible places to dine with wen and gang, I bump into Guanwei and Guang Xian. They have found jobs. A few of my other friends have also found jobs.
A sudden urge to look for jobs gashed through the veins and to my head. Should I stop slacking and look for jobs?
Then while checking email today, my friend has come up with a business that organises camps for school students and looking for counsellors. He's only my age and he's already in some business.
Why am I, a 22 capable, supposedly young and energetic adult, full of drive, still living on my parents? Shouldn't I be doing something? My father just complained that the utilities and phone bills increased because of my holidays.
I know I shouldn't just sit down and complain. I must get that butt of the chair and doing something.
I guess I am still slacking because I do not have clear aims of what I want to do. Maybe I should seriously give a thought of what should I do, instead of following aimlessly what OTHER people are doing.
I need money for my Bangkok trip.
I need to spend my time fruitfully.
Part time? Community service.
Any great movies?
The recent hike in movie tickets prices made me lost interests in watching movies in cinemas, especially during weekends, and made movie reviews more useful than they used to be. It has also boosted the interest to get vcds instead of watching the real thing, unless you want to watch movies like Lord of the Rings and Star wars, in which you can't get effects you will experience in the cinemas.
But for movies which are more artistically directed, like Lost in translation and A beautiful mind, I suggest you can watch these at the comfort of your home.
Recently, I have gained some interests in Korean movies, and thus bought this Korean movie called 3-iron. I have read the reviews somewhere and apparently the reviews are quite good. On the cover, it looked like some R(A) and poorly directed sex movies, plus the sticker on it says NC16 which even makes it like some stupid and senseless sex movies.
It is more what it seems to be. For me, I think it is a beautiful piece of art work by the director. Some would not understand what the whole movie was trying to say, and some would find it real boring. But the hidden message is for the viewers to search for. Although it is made more apparent at the end, the very silent movie helps to create space for the monds of the audience to roam around. (There is hardly any soundtrack. The main actor do not have any lines at all, and the only lines the main actress has to say is: "I love you" and "Come and have lunch." Of course, the other supporting casts have more things to say.
Thus the beauty of this movies lies in the eyes and emotions of the main actor and actress. It's definitely much difficult to express certain feelings without any dialogues. I must applaud for Lee Seung-yeon (lead actress) and Jae Hee (lead actor) for their wonderful acting skills.
For those who aren't that appreciative of artistic films, watch it because the actor looks like Jay Chow but more handsome and less introvert looking, and the actress has a certain indescriable beauty. The nude scenes are very very minimal, just one or two photos of nude women.
If you want to know more about the story line you can go to the main website.'s like a Wong Kar Wai picture but more undertstandable and less dark. (I realised Wong Kar Wai movies are always quite dark and old fashion.)
I can lend you the VCD if you are interested.

Recommend me any other nice movies!
Yeh! holidays!
I know I haven't been updating my blog, all thanks to exams, the stupid flu, and the move back from PGP to home, which means that I am using dial up now, and so will less likly be online, and to those who are intelligently challenged, which means i will be using the internet less often, and to those who still can't seem to see the obvious, THAT MEANS i won't be updating my blog that often.
Hmmm, what has got into me with the usage of such words.
Anyway, things have been planned for the holidays, but still I AM FREE and single and lonely and you can ask me out. No appointment needed. It's just a sms or phone call away.
Anyway things planned are two camps, that is engin camp and union camp. I will be going to bangkok in the later part of June and there's also ICT. Haiz. Luckily for me, ICT is only 2 days.
Other unconfirmed plans will be practising for acapella as I heard that we might go for some competition. I don't think I am working this holidays. Laziness has got over me.
I have been in the husky and "stuck" voice for almost a week and it's recovering. I hope I will recover real soon, or else I will sound like the voice of the ever sore throat Ah Du in KTV, and IF only I have the chance to go.
Exams are disastrous, and I am waiting for miracles to happen.
And during these period of absence from the blog, major events have happened. Ex-president Wee Khim Wee has passed away. I have finished my exams. I have bid PGP farewell and moved back to my Bedok home. Constatine was voted off American Idol. Movie tickets now cost more. Rain seemed to be as precious as diamonds.
And most important of all...
I am attached...
It's a funny feeling and I have never felt like this before. It's like you have tasted chocolate so many times and you know it's bitter, but this time you feel the sweetness in this bitter sinful indulgence. I don't know how long it will last, but for now I am definitely living in the clouds. I can't really say I have successfully got it but I can feel it's nearing.
I am so attached to getting a digicam for myself, and it will come real useful for the Bangkok trip.
Any sponsor?
And didn't I just say I am single, in case you are wondering about something else.