Ok, I do get bored easily.

Ok, I get bored really easily. Anyway, shan and pris have graduated while sian ying is continuing for honours. This pic was taken last wednesday at their commencement. One of the photos where I am finally tanned!
The rest of the photos for my union camp will be up soon when I move back to school.
And oh yah, out of the 4 you see above, 2 are attached, 1 pending and 1 single. I am still single.
And since I am already on the topic of relationships, I am really ready to sign up for any activities orgainsed by SDU.
Maybe I am just not destined to be attached. Things have changed when I grow up. I used to be quite able to communicate with girls during primary school and secondary school days. Now, especially after NS, it's like I am not THAT capable of 'clicking' with female conterparts. I really do admire my guy friends who are just able to generate unbelievable charm which can attract girls to them. Maybe I am exagerrating, but yah, the real case is not much different as well.
And with gary calling me now and then, updating his progress, it makes me feel even more lonlier and so "unattached".
It is not that I am sad or what, must just looking at myself. Is it my personality or is it about looks. I admit I do not have looks like gary or a wonderful personality, but I just can't see anyone who is possible.
Maybe I have high expectations, but sometimes, I just do not know how to create opportunities for myself. I have already joined 2 camps, and it seems like nothing has changed much.
Maybe fate is just playing a game on me.
Yes! I am an attention seeker...
And yes, I am in the school library, waiting for reso prac to start. Imagine, I have to wait for another 2 hours or so, what should I do?
Option 1: Continue surfing.
Option 2: Go to student lounge and sleep.
Option 3: Be a super kiasu and find texts regarding modules in the coming semester and start reading.
After much consideration... *drum rolls*... I will just continue surfing till the librarian really sick of this red t-shirt guy hogging the computer terminal.
What the hack... I am just bored.
Seriously, you do really stupid things and write really stupid stuff, when you really have no aim in what to write. I am no professional writer who can just write a thousand and one stuff on a small issue, like making a big deal out of nothing with reference to the NKF issue. Well, NKF is not the only one sucking up our money, if they really suck up the money at all. Ok. The media said they did, but don't you realise that it is the media itself, (Channel 8 and Channel U), that has programmes to appeal to the public to donate like really generously? And now, we donate to NKF not because of their kidney patients, but also to the cancer patients. Well, you might say that it's the case between NKF and SPH and SPH do not relate to MediaCorp, so, they are not contradicting each other. But I am talking about media as a whole, HELLO?
Ok, I am really bored. But that's what I have to do to kill 2 more hours of time in the library and making the choice to surf the net, instead of just sleeping or reading texts and becoming a nerd.
Talking about nerd, I am really quite put off today. In the morning, I was involved in engin dry run. And so was arts fac. And you know, being arts, they came over, pretended to be real nice, gave a terrible cheer which ultimately insult us, pulling their pants real high to imitate engin people who appear to be nerdy, and in the end of everything, gave us a 3 cheers for us, still pretending to be nice. Ok. I have nothing to go against the arts people, but...
Imagine how sad can that be, when our guys are being humilated and the rest of the engin guys still have no idea what's going on, still trying to THINK of a cheer to rebute them. Being an engineer-to-be myself, I really felt humilated. I know, it's just for fun, but the image that engin people are giving aren't good.
But seriously, engin people need to live a life. After yesterday's dry run, I think some people are really quite umm... not that street-wise. I am not saying that I am like the ultimate most happening guy in engin. Maybe there are really things to look out for besides texts and past year papers.
I think that's all for now. I hate to read long blogs because I have a short concentration span.
Maybe I will write again when I am bored.
After all the high moments...
Ok. I am back from all the camps and the overseas trip. And now I am enjoying all the post camps symptoms like OG outings, loss of voice and stuff like that. It's really fun joining camps cos besides knowing more people which is very helpful, you can get tanned!! haha. I urge all who yet to join any camps yet to join next year cos i believe the camps are like more or less ending soon.
it's a greay pleasure to know my union camp group, fervo. A fun batch of people who are never out of energy. Haha, and we got 3rd best OG.
seriously i think its quite an achievement able to assist in handling such a big group with 24 freshies.
so now it will be more and more outings, but i guess there will be less and less people meeting up in the subsequent outings. thats teh sad part.
anyway and anyhow, i can say its been quite a fruitful holidays.
will write more next time.
Will be away...
It's july already, which means school's starting soon, and the whole cycle of madness will be repeated.
anyway, moi will be away for union camp till 9th july on sat. till then, there will be no posts.
hope this camp will be as fun.