Just one more
I have to hang on. Just one more mid term test and I am more or less done, at least for now...
Wish me luck!
What I'm busy with recently...
4 tests in a week and an assignment due on Friday.

Hang on...
I really hope I can just hang on for one more week. I can really feel the stress around me. Sometimes, I just hope I can give up, but I should not give up so easily.
Pardon my last post.
I think I am fucking stupid and my fucking smart classmates are pretending they are some dumb idiots who are appear to be so innoncent.
I can't stand it. FUCK!
Panadol can do wonders
I thought I almost going to die last night. Feeling feverish, coughing my lungs out, and my nose became a really damaged tap which didn't stop running. All thanks to Panadol. At least it stopped the headache and eased the cough and flu.
I am so darn busy. It sounds fake but it's so true. I have like 4 tests next week, 1 assignment due and tons of piling tutorials. I know I always complain what it seems mundane stuff, but yah, that's me. I enjoy complaining. It relieves the stress.
Met up with Wen, Hui, Kim, and Lix (and of cos her beau), last Sat. Surprised that we still have so much to talk about and so much laughter to share. Then on Sun, met up with Shan, Sy, Zy. It seemed that Shan was going through a rather tough time. And from her, Pris wasn't feeling much better. As a friend, I really felt sorry for them. I really hope that they just take things a bit more lightly, and drive their energy into what they really want. And they must always remember they have families and friends around to help them out.
I want to go to
The Magnets concert. Its on this Sunday. But I have 4 tests next, the first one on Monday. How can I just go??
But I think they are good. They are more into pop stuff, and they are like a boyband. Nevertheless they are really good. Some people might think they are too pop. But at least they can sing in harmony!!

How I wish our group can be more versatile like them.
Click on the
link to see what kind of music they are doing.
That's all for now!
Post mini-concert dinnert
After much preparation for the concert and after the concert itself, finally we are able to treat ourselves by indulging in buffet!!! And so this evening, we went to Yuki Yaki (or whatever the name is) in Cineleisure to eat our hearts' contents. And now, although it's been hours after the dinner, I still feel very bloated.
And of course, we have some photos taken.

It's our table shot!!!

Did I hear someone say traffic lights?
I think I wouldn't go for any buffets anytime soon.
Some minor changes...
I have done minor changes to my blog. Maybe to minor that you all can't really tell, so I will make it obvious and tell you people.
1. I have linked a few more blogs and journals of friends to mine. Mostly are people from resonance.
2. I have changed a few sites under Clickies. And since I am in the a cappella scene now, I have added two sites related to a cappella.
3. I have added a web counter. It's just for fun.
All these are done at the expense of doing my work.
I am sick...
I am sick again. I don't want in this state of sniffing and coughing. I want to be well!!!
Any recommendations for to be well soon, except seeing a doctor??
Thanks to those who come and to all fellow reso mates!
Finally, it ended. But it all happened all too soon. Before you knew it, it has already ended. I did enjoy myself for this concert, but I still think we can do better.
Anyway, I think the Do-Re-Mis have done well, and we definitely have improved. A lot has commented that we are the most entertaining group (as usual), but what I feel (my personal thoughts) is that we could have done much better. Some has said that I looked very good singing and I looked natural. Thanks for the compliments, (I assumed they are compliments), but what I really wanted is that I sound good singing. It seems that there are some improvements I should look at.
Thanks to all who came and support and some other unexpected friends who I have never met since ages ago. People like Chang Hui, Joel, Wanyun, Suet Syn, (credits to Serene) Gaylin (credits to Ginny) and those who I met quite often, Llyr group people, Sian Ying and beau, Peikai and Mark. Your presence and support made me feel so touched.
Had a great night. Thanks to fellow reso mates for tolerating my nonsence, esp to fellow Do-Re-Mis. Really enjoyed singing with you all.

The cool people in Pink and Fans (Do-Re-Mis)

The Big Family of Resonance
Once again, thanks everyone!!
September Reverie - NUS Resonance Mini Concert
Tonight's the night. Hope everything will go on smoothly.
And yes, I have been sick. Been coughing and sniffing non stop. And to those care, I am not THAT sick and thanks for your concern. To those who don't, too bad, I'm still kicking alive.
Relieved that I finally finished my 1000 word Biochemistry essay. I think I wrote quite badly, Haven't been writing long proper essays for quite some time, thus it's been giving me serious migrain for the past few days.
Have been quite lost for the past few days. Friends have been asking me if I am ok. Really bothered by a lot of things, essay, mini concert, weekly tests, tutorials. But as the mid term break is approaching, I hope I can catch up.
That's for now. So glad there's no lesson today. Can rest a bit before the concert.
Hope ya doing well.
An entry before I'm off to class

Cool right?? my cyborg name. It can be used for a t-shirt design!
It's official
I declare now, I am an official PGPian.
Note:1. PGPian - a resident of PGP, a residential accomodation in NUS.
The reason why I am still in school...
A Cappella Fest '05Meeting the rest later to go together to Kallang Theatre.
Edmund's group (aka Resonance's grand seniors!! aka Verve Enharmonics) is performing as well.
Anyway, Resonance going to have a mini concert in school. Come support me!!!!
SEPTEMBER REVERIE - A NUS CAC Resonance Mini-ConcertDate: 16th September 2005Time: 7:30 pmVenue: Function Rooms (in Student Societies' Area beside Genki Sushi in YIH, NUS)Tickets: $5 onlyHighlights: Performance by groups who won A Cappella Championship 2005Come experience the wonders of Human Voices!!!!
The 2 tests back to back are killing me...
Anyway, just before I really forgot and before my first lecture, this what wayne soon, on of my friends who is very INTO politics wrote in Today on wednesday.
Go read it. I think it's interesting.
Spell: B-U-S-Y!!!
Ok. i am like blogging during an hour's lunch time break. Just need to update some stuff to show that Jeremy is still alive, and yes some of you may be disappointed that I am still living on earth.
Anyway, really busy these few weeks. Finally I got a room in PGP after 3 emails to OSA. Long story. Realised that after the emails of complaints, I get much better treatment. Maybe I should complain more often.
Tapestry last weekend was okay, I guess, but not that fantastic. The whole group was interviewed, and due to my very bad command of english, after the person asked a long question, the only thing I said was "it's cool". well at least it fit the question.
Resonance welcome tea last friday, with a memorable disastrous performance by my batch, and I am the main faulter. (read: faulter, the one who causes the main fault. Can't think of any btetter words to use, and don't have the time to think) Don't wish to talk more about it.
Key elements a cappella free performance on wed in UCC. Still pondering if I should go.
AcaFest this thurs. have paid for the ticket. No choice but have to go.
PRU AGM on fri. Yes. Despite my busy schedule, I just joined PRU for don't know what reasons.
Two tests, one on Tuesday and one on Wednesday, both I think I am going to fail.
Tons of ever-piling undone tutorials.
Moving into my room this coming sunday.
Kelvin Tan Wei Lian won Channel U's first Project Superstar. I supported Kelly Poon. I think she's pretty.

That's that for now. Got to rush to another lecture.