That is something I lack seriously. It's always been like that, having no confidence in myself at all, in almost what I do, how I look, or even sometimes what I feel or say. That isn't a good thing at all. I know it is important to have confidence in whatever i do, but sometimes you don't really get what you want you know.
This really can affect a person, no matter physically or mentally. It affects on how the person looks, how he feels and reacts, how he views certain issues and how he deals with situation. Take myself for example. Even before I go into the exam halls, I sorta feel that I won't do well even if I have prepared myself quite thouroughly. It is confidence, I felt, that I lacked that cause disastrous results.
That aside. I always have issues with looks. Seriously, I do admire friends around me who look good or dress well, and I always feel that I look like a stupid hobbit. Even hobbits look better, I think. At least they have the self confidence to present themselves well.
I know this is a rather down post, but I am not feeling THAT upset. Just something I ponder on when I am free and my brain is just taking a break from serious thinking. But yah, that is how I feel.
Someone has mentioned before that maybe getting a girlfriend will solve the problem. Maybe, I think. But the purpose of getting one is not because I want to feel good, or maybe it is?
I really don't know. Quite lost and maybe the special someone could help find myself. I am still searching.
But probably I am taking too long a time.
You just can't rush somethings.
I'm just glad it's over
And that doesn't mean I have done well. In fact this is the worst exams ever, with the most questions left undone. Haiz. Don't feel like talking about it.
Anyway, I had a whole day of being upset already, ignoring almost everyone around me. I think I have to just live with it and just don't think about it. Just work harder next time.
Well, this holiday's plan is still quite empty, with occasional a cappella prac for caroling, meetings for PRU bash, and there's more less about it. And I have 6 free weeks. So ya guys, can ask me out k? Even though I bet I will just be at home. Who wants to go out with this boring guy?
Well, for those who are still struggling, best of luck!!
And for those who showed concern in the blog for the past few days, thanks a lot and I really raelly appreciated it. That really drive me going. And it's really nice when you have people you have not met for very very long, popping up in your blog and encouraging you.
Even though exams can be some cruel demons, there are still angels around.
First up, who wants to watch Harry Porter? Or you all have watched it already?
Dear Jeremy
Dear Jeremy,
You are getting more stupid.
You are getting less hardworking.
You now get gabbra more easily.
You now get distracted more often.
Your concentration span is decreasing.
You are getting fatter.
You are getting uglier.
Can you get any more worse off?
Yours truly,
I hope I don't get any more depressed.
Just 3 more days and I can smell freedom.
Haven't been studying hard enough...
Two papers have cleared and 4 more to go. I just have to endure to another week.
Have been discovering more blogs of my friends, aka Jasmine and Jingyi. Haven't seen them since ages ago. Planning to meet them after the exams.
And if Jas and Jingyi reading this, hope you won't mind I link your blogs to mine.
I just to have to concentrate on my studies. Many other distractions.
Nice song
眼泪成诗 - 孙燕姿

Go listen this song. I didn't suggest downloading. I don't want to get sued. It is in her latest album, 完美的一天. Translated directly, it's entitled Poetic Tears, I really like the song arrangement and the lyrics add on to the beauty of this song. The lyrics and music really complement each other. You seldom get very
cheem lyrics for pop songs nowadays. For instance, 让你在回味, 自古罪人无自罪, 因为回忆总是美. I think what is
cheem is not the words but the in depth meaning behind it.
Another nice song, it's in the same album and it is called 隐形人.
Jay Chou has also released his newest album, 十一月的萧邦, literally means November's Chopin. Some of the songs that I prefer are 夜曲 and 一路向北.
When you are mugging and you need music in the room, and when your radio is on almost 24hrs, you come to know a lot of songs.
These are the songs I recommend.
Ok now I should hit the books.
I was here...
Have been at home for the past week, thus havent been blogging much. Nothing much to update. Just that exams are near and I have yet to really start mugging seriously yet. I think this semester will be another flop although I hope it would be otherwise.
Anyway, won't be updating that frequently until my exams end 'cos nothing much to write as well. Nothing interesting about mugging.
Wish me luck!