Maybe I should join archery...
And learn how to shoot arrows at others.
It seems so conveniently that because of my large surface area, I am easily being arrowed at, and most often than not, I will have to accept these arrows. I though thought the bash is finally done and over, and I can start concentrating on my studies. But NO! I still have many undone stuff to settle and more arrows to receive, and these are what I have to do.
1. Settle ticketing for bash, and make sure the number of tickets and the money collected tally, and then update the distribution list.
2. Look out for venues for Vocal Obsession 2 by this week and confirm booking by next week.
3. Settle Munchie Monkey's gig because our dear RFYs vould not make it on the date that is fixed.
4. Liase with the Arts Hatters person to confirm if we will take part in the event, and how many groups we will be sending. This will have to settle with our dear Cheryl again.
5. I hope Radiopulze gig is more or less confirmed.
6. Start a marketing group for Resonance for the upcoming concert, Vocal Obsession 2, and look out for any nice sponsors out there who would like to sponsor us.
I know I should not complain because it's my job.
Yup, I should get things done.
And yup, I have piles of undone assignments and unwatched webcasted lectures.
And tonight, I watching Reverie's campus concert.
Don't worry, I'm not stressed.
Don't worry, I'm not stressed.
Don't worry, I'm not stressed.
Don't worry, I'm not stressed.
Don't worry, I'm not stressed.
PRU BASH - A roaring success
Finally it's over! And although there were quite a few cork ups here and there, I think in the end it's rather forgivable, giving the fact that the bash was sold out even before the event itself. And yes, after the event and all the packing, we danced to the music to our hearts' content. MOS is really big and I really think that everyone should visit it at least once.
Really glad I've joined the bash committee. Got to know a lot of people, and made friends around. Well, I'm not the cheonging kind, so it's an experience organising such an event like the bash.
Enough said. Pictures galore.
Pre Bash Publicity Stints

My fellow ticketing officers with their make ups.

The Bash itself.
Yup it is a sold out!

Ministry of Sound

Bash Committee

Fellow Ticketing officers. A bit blur due to the condensation.

Chio Bus aka Marketing Officers

Moi and Dominique

Me and Tze Hwee
Regret didn't have the chance to take photos with everyone.
So after the bash, we went supper at Lau Pa Sat, and then spent a night @ Changi Village Hotel (It's free. Thanks to the sponsor.)
Well, that's all. And now, I feel a bit lost. Haiz. Better concentrate on my school work.
Oh yah, now I have a red eye due to blood clot in the eye. All thanks to the contact lens which tore in my eye and dropped out, and I only managed to take out the other half in the hotel.
Now you know why I am an engineer
I should be doing serious things, but.....
Freaking Disappointed
Yes. I do know a lot of people. I am not bragging or what. People always say that I seem to be bumping into people I know. Well as I have said, they are all hi-bye friends. They are important too but you know what I mean.
Sometimes, it's just so difficult to find people to help me, or even accompany to eat meals, or support me in certain events.
I am not THAT pissed off, just wondering if I have friends who really do care.
When you are down, you just need a helping hand around. Sometimes you don't really know why you work so hard for something. You wish you had support but most of the times, you don't really have that kind of motivation.
Maybe I will just be a selfish geek and care naughts and only about my own work.
Maybe I will just do that!!
Yes! It's official. It has been raining for weeks and the whole of Singapore is provided with free Air conditioning, be it outdoors or indoors. I know it's good to rain once in a while, but too much rain made me feel very sleepy, and I wouldn't want to wake up.
Something's wrong with the internet conncetion in mr PGP room. I am disconnected every ten minutes. I feel that it might be a bug in the laptop that causes the fault.
Now, I am in the computer lab, and am going to Clementi Police Division HQ for some statement taking. Ha! Don't worry. I am not the one committing any crime. Its just that last year, I applied some gym membership in PGP and apparently the person who took my applications did not hand in to the management and he ran away. And its not only my applications. I heard from the police officer who called me yesterday that he did not hand in quite a few hundreds applications and the management is lodging a case against that person.
What a story.
Haiz. Hope it won't rain that heavily when I make my way to the police station.
First day of school
I only have two hours of lecture from 10 to 12pm but I have to stay in school for meeting at 6.30pm.
It's only the first day of school and I can already feel the tons of work and the headache coming up. Glad I am only taking 5 modules this semester.
And for those reading this blog, PRU (some standing committee of NUSSU) is having a bash on 21st january @ MOS (Clarke Quay). If you are really interested and wanna have some fun before the real works come in, you can give me a call or leave a message in my blog. First prize for the lucky draw is a trip for 2 to Bangkok on Singapore Airlines (3D2N).
Hope this year will be a great one!
Happy New Year
Happy New Year.
I'm blessed to be where I am now.
At least, my parents are around, although they are sleeping.
I stop making new year resolutions when I don't really fulfil them. What's the point?
Just hope that the new year will be a great and fruitful one.