Extra extra read all about it...
yes. I am still living in this world. The reason i have not been updating is not because i am busy with my work, but i am doing things i shouldn't do...
anyway, some updates.
term break last week. went to jie jiun's bday party last sun till mon morn. shared hidden secrets among the class. it's really interesting to know who actually likes who around. well, its up to me to decide how true are those.
well, i also did lab report, trying to study for test which i did badly (and its 20%), catching up with some work and what not.
seriously, i have not been doing things fast enough. always felt that i am lagging behind.
oh yah, my aunties from maternal family came for a gathering last sat too. so in the end, i spent the time talking to my cousins and so on...
i want to watch movies. brokeback mountain, walk the line, pink panter...
but there's test this sat...
hmmm... i should just clone myself.
I should be mugging hard...
As you all know, my grades are going down, and I should be studying hard. But with the laptop ever so tempting, it seems that I couldn't resist the to just go online and see what's around or who's around.
Anyway, just to show some pictures from the gig yesterday.

I always feel that I look awkward singing on stage. Is me or what?
Anyway, thanks to Charm for the nice photos.
Where is my Valentine?
Yes, it's valentine's day and yet I am all alone, and can you guess what' I'm doing? Yes! Studying. What a thing to do on V day right? At least even if I don't have a Valentine, I should spend time with my friends. But as I have 2 tests coming up in the week, I guess my valentine would have to be my dearest notes and textbooks.
Anyway, i have just sung with Resonance at the launch of NUS Radiopulze just. Wasn't THAT fantastic. Felt that screwed up my solo. Haiz. But it's over. I have to concentrate on my studies now.
Still pondering if I should go for practise later. Ya, I realised I havent updated my blog for almost a week, so i guess this is just some update. Have been busy. Celebrated Kim's bday over the weekend at NYDC. and catching up with work, rehearsals and stuff.
Sometimes, I just wonder what I am busy with. It seems I always never have the time to sit down and do nothing.
NUS Arts Festival
Being someone who likes music and all, how can I miss when there's free performance in NUS? And especially when Corrinne May is coming down. If you don't know her, she's a singer who is doing quite well in UK, I think. Although I am not a big fan of her, I have heard her songs before, and it's quite nice.
And why not take this chance to have a photograph taken with her? And so, thanks to my camera phone, and sian ying as my photographer, here's the pic.

Haiz, so embarassing.
I know Singapore Idol is having auditions this weekend. So for those who are interested in joining, please have a look at this. If you can be on par with that, then you maybe can consider to join, unless your main motive is to provide some laughter on the dreadful Singapore TV. (Besides imported shows).
Have watched Desperate Housewives last night. It's getting more interesting.
Check out the high octaves!!! Charm, I believe with some practice, you can hit those notes, and who knows, we might have an a cappella version of the song. Anyway, anyone knows what song is this?
Chinese New Year
Been busy with Chinese New Year visiting, thus haven't been updating blogs.
Day 1: Visits to Father's relatives.
Day 2: Visits to Grandfather's house and meet relatives from maternal side.
Day 3: Friends' visits.
Day 4: School starts and yet went to Fei's house in the evening to meet army friends, followed by visit to Ah Ong's Bar at Boat Quay, 80 Bar. Had some drinks and early departure due to lessons on the next day.
Will be busy catching with homeworks, studies and a cappella pracs. Thus short blogs.