I am going to Taiwan, again!
At least, this time, I am going to have fun all the way, instead of going there for trainings. The 2 last times I went were with army. So now, I am going to enjoy myself thoroughly, although results will be out on the second day of my trip.
Have been looking for jobs, and planning for my taiwan trip these few days. And of course practising for the concert in June. Otherwise, I am wasting my youth away at home.
You know how I hate dial-ups, so that explains the seldom updates of the blog. Hmm. Should I update to broadband or cable? Maybe when I have the money. But for now, maybe not.
When I chat with people online, and say I am bored, they ask me to go out with my friends. Yes I really do go out with them, but when I think whom I can meet up with, it seems that I can't really find anyone just call and meet them. Yes, I do know a lot of people, but it seems that the really close ones are really very few, as in those whom I will go out with. And being single doesn't make this seems any better. Especially when your friends are attached and you wouldn't want to be the real bright light bulb.
I know I have brought out this issue when ever I am bored at home, but I really cant help thinking all these stuff. I should find something better to do.
Have watched Da Vinci Code. It isn't as great, and for those who have watched it or wanting to watch this movie, please do not believe what it is in the content of the movie. It is however, just a fiction movie.
That's all. Hope my trip will be a fufiling one.
I hate lonliness...
I hate lonliness. I hate it when it quietly creeps into your life when you least expect it. Seriously, I miss exams. You may think I am crazy. Well, I don't miss the stress part, but I miss the time when you can study with a group of friends, and they are there when you feel down, or when you need someone to punch. (Eh, sorry Derek for that punch in the library.)
Well, after exams, I have been at home most of the days. Besides celebrating Cheryl Ong's 21st pink and black birthday, and the delayed birthday treat to my primary school friends, I have been staying at home. Checking mails, surfing the net, watching TV... Some of my friends say I should take initiative to find friends to meet up. I know that, but apparently, everyone seem so busy with their own stuff. Everyone seem to be preoccupied with their own lives.
I guess, that's part of growing up. Your friends around you don't just spend all his or her time with you, just like when you are very young. You have friends to play with you everyday.
But we have to grow up. It's part and parcel of life. Maybe I should find something meaningful to do during the holidays. Spending too much time doing nothing isn't that healthy. I should find time for meet ups too.
Oh, I've watched MI:3. It's not that bad.
Movies to watch:
1) Da Vinci Code
2) Pirates of the Carribean 2
3) Poseidon
4) X men
Yesterday was Polling Day. And yes, I have voted for the very first time. I think this is one of the very few times I am so concerned with Singapore politics, staying up till past midnight to catch up with the results of the election. Sorta expected the outcome. Nothing surprising. For a moment during the rallying by the different parties, I thought the outcome would be more unexpecting, but it happened to be otherwise.
Singapore politics can only be THIS exciting.
I shan't comment more. I would not want to get sued.
I hope this holidays will be a fulfiling one.
Vocal Obsession II - I hear voiices in my head

Doing some publicity here for my upcoming concert that I have mentioned in my earlier blog. We will be doing familiar pieces like Incomplete, Don't Speak, Pu Tong Peng You and more. The details are on the poster, and if interested can call me to get tickets too.
Finally, I get to vote!!
Finally done with the exams.
Exams aside, the main hot issue hovering Singapore's sky is the General Election 2006. Who to vote for? Will PAP win all the seats? Is Worker's Party the next upcoming Party? Or will it be Singapore Democratic Alliance? SDP? Rallies around at housing estates, with speakers and members of different parties trying to win people's hearts with their motivating talks. And this will be my very first time to vote, and that's why I am keep a look out for all the news, and of course, on other sources, to prevent a one-sided view.
Singaporeans have never been so politically active for quite sometime, or at least since when I know what's happening around.
I am no politics expert, so I am not going to make any comments on any issues addressed in the news or at the rallies. Only that, one will have to take everything with a pinch of salt and consider how true one's speech is. You are you own judge.
Anyway, the official election date will be this Saturday, 06 May 2006. May the best and worthy party win. And that is not that. Whoever win must show that they are worthy of the win, and fulfil any promises made.
I have been looking out for a handphone. Any suggestions? Budget? Less than $450. Best if there's bluetooth, support MP3, good camera functions, stylish, long battery life, and most of all, its value would not drop much after I buy it. At least the value must last for some time!
I am rather free for this 3 months holidays. I still can't find a job, and will be involved only with an a cappella concert. Vocal Obsessions 2. It will be on 24th June 2006. So if interested can call me. I really hope all my friends can come. I will be crooning a song or two. haha!!
That's all. Hope my grades for this sem will improve.