My Very First Cassette and solo concert
Finally, my very first single. Get it before it's gone!!

Don't miss my concert!!

Cool right?
End of Mid-Term Break
In 2 more days, I will mourn again, for the departure for our dearest mid-term break. It came, and went off just like that. By actual fact, it's mid term break and I should have whole lot of time. Interestingly, time was never enough. (How surprising ya?) I didn't feel any tinge of relaxation at all. Anyway, I did spend time with people whom I have never met for quite some time.
Last Sat, met up with the color-coordinated aka people from my JC band. Yupz! So there were Shannon, Sian Ying, Yaohua, whom I joined at Chinatown, ktving till 7pm. Then we met up with Pris and Ziyang for dinner at The Village. It's a real pleasure to just able to sit down and talk to these people about their lives and joking around.
Then on Sun, I met up with my usual primary school gang and we had a nice lunch at Fish and Co. I think this group of friends particularly liked Fish and Co, because apparently out of the gatherings we used to have, we often to have our meals at Fish and Co. Anyway, catching with the gals' work/jobs and other future plans like overseas trip and Christmas celebration.
It's interesting to note that the topics for discussion have somewhat changed. Now, the topics seem to revolve about more mature stuff like work, insurance, financial planner and stuff like that. We no longer, or maybe less often, discuss gossips in schools, TV programmes, and more kiddy stuff.
Thats what happened when your friends start to work.
Then on Wednesday, went to send Joanne off at the airport. She's leaving for UK for a year for Exchange Programme.
Thursday night was PRU V-Bash PD treat by our dear PD Shan Shan, at HuiChing's Place. It was the usual catching up with people whom I haven't met for some time and joking and FOOD!!
Well then the rest of the week is spent either at home, or at library, trying to mug for my 3 tests next week.
Last Monday, we celebrated Hady Mirza's win at Singapore Idol. I knew he would win. He was undoubtedly the best singer out of the finalists. He should win, and I believe Singapore made the right choice. He won 70% of the votes while Jonathan Leong had about 30%. I would say that was a clear winning. One of my friends said Hady might not win although he's the better singer, just because he's Malay and last season's idol is also a Malay. What I believed is that, whoever's the better singer, who should win, regardless of race. I was right.
I want to sing like him. But I guess I can only do that in my next life.
Will be catching Resonance's 2nd years singing later at Marina Square.
Ok, gotta mug with the remaining time.
Thailand in Crisis. Thai capital under military coup.
Well, that's the biggest news in S.E. Asia or maybe in Asia, now, besides the frequent updates of the IMF/WB updates on CNA.
Hmmm... Thailand under military rule. That's what I saw on CNA few days back. Then I begin to wonder, what does that really mean.
Well apparently the military of Thailand isn't that happy with Thailand's PM, Thaksin, and so, while he's out of office, the powerful militart general took over his office. (as in not just literally because he's out of his office because he went to the toilet and when he came back, he saw the military generals taking over his office. It means that when he is out of his kingdom, the troops backed with military tanks took control of the Thai's premier office. Am I the only one thinking otherwise? Hmmm...)
I am not sure what are the causes and consequences, but apparently, it's still safe to be in Bangkok, although you will occasionally see tanks moving around in the normal day streets and maybe if you are lucky, you can take photographs with the soldiers around. I believe you don't get to see this so often. Even if it's still rather safe (I think), people were afraid that something would happen and hence many tourists and foreigners rushed to fleed the place. Maybe they rather be safe than sorry.
Anyway, for information and more accurate details, you can visit
Finally the performance at A Cappella Fest: BeDazzled! was over last weekend. I wouldn't say its the best performance ever, but I think we did ok. Just ok lah, to my standards, which aren't very high. But I think it's a good experience, sharing the same stage with more established and recognised a cappella groups in Singapore, groups like UpBeat, Key Elements, JuzB and of course our dearest seniors, Verve Enharmonics. Besides Resonance, another Resonance-affliated group, Equivox, was in this concert too. So basically it's an almost one-third Resonance concert. Ha!
The sound system isn't that complimentary to our singings or how we sound, but I think the lightings were pretty cool. And this time, we donned the most punk and gothic make up and clothes ever. To what extent, basically we wore red and black, and even the guys (yes including myself) put on eye liner. Cool huh? And of course there were lots and lots of photo takings, and we even take photos with JuzB with WeiQi from MiLuBing.

Oops with SuHui

Happy Oops!

The Coolest ever shot!

Won't it make a good publicity shot?

Verve EnHarmonics


We LURVE our room!

With JuZB! And WeiQi!

Equivox with JuzB!

Pretty Gals with Afwan form JuzB! Lucky guy!

One Big Happy Resonance Family
Ok, that's all the photos. Actually there are more, but due to time constraint, I think its a good represenatation of what happenend that day, and what we wore. I have to rush for Lab now.
I promise to update for often!
S2006: IMF-World Bank Meeting in Singapore
It is very seldom you see nice flowers along the roads of Singapore, well I mean the really nice and fresh ones. And it is almost never that you have to go through a metal detecting device just because you want to go shopping at Suntec.
All these are happening in Singapore now. Its the IMF-World Bank Meeting. Roads are closed and diverted because of this event. Big shots are coming to Singapore. Police and the security bodies are busier than ever.
Yes, it's a big hoo-hah. But I guess only such big events that Singaporeans will bother to make Singapore seem such a nice and beautiful and safe place. You will never get Olympics in Singapore, so I guess this is the next big thing that can happen.
It's only days like today that I will update my blog. Long break before the next activity. And yes, Oops and I will be performing on the same stage and JuzB, the channel U's SuperBand finalist, for AcaFest this coming Fri and Sat.
Have some thoughts but sometimes it's not that easy just to share. There's always an unseen barrier somehow.
Till then.
The loss of Wildlife's best friend
'Crocodile Hunter', otherwise known as Steve Irwin, was killed by a stingray two days back, whilm filming for a underwater documentary. For those who don't know him, he was a great presenter for Discovery, always coming in close contact with wild animals. If I am not wrong, it was his often wrestle with the crocodiles that gave him his nickname.
He wasn't just a TV personality. He was a passionate conservationist, who loved the wildlife as much as he loved the kids. He often taught kids around him to love the animals, to understand them and to care for them. He loved the animals even more, even though he was always injured by these animals.
I have watched his programmes before. Yes, it was dangerous, with the way how he interacted with the animals. I always admired his courage and his passion, his determination to do what he really enjoyed and love.
Leaving behind a wife and two kids, he was wildlife's great friend. But today, we can only looked back at what he had done for the nature.
Couple of years back, he was criticised heavily by everyone, when he in close contact with a hungry crocodile, with his own toddler in the other hand. He was reprimanded for putting his own child's life at great risk. Yet he stood on what he believed is right.
Sometimes, we have to learn to appreciate the people around us, and don't take things for granted. Take Steve for a good example. When he was well and alive, we enjoyed his shows and yet when he did something, maybe to everyone else is not right, we critisized him. And now, when he's gone, we could only put a turtle icon next to our MSN in rememberance of his wildlife conservation effort.
Had a tired day yesterday. Feeling down a little. Felt slightly unneeded and unappreciated.
Today's better. Had a short day.
I must learn to be more independant and maybe more assertive.
Grow up, Mr Jeremy.