Almost done...
I'm sick, just before the exams. Haiz. Seriously, I don't think I will do well again this time. But what's new. Maybe I should just realise the fact that I am not smart and shouldn't be in this course.
1 more week and a few more days and it would be done. The dreadful exams.
I always tell myself I could do it this time, but deep down inside, I think I am just fooling myself, just to make myself better. It does hurt, when the truth isn't such a fantasy. But instead of crying, what can I do?
I know life is not all about studies and exams, but seriously, what have I achieved in my life so far?
I don't dare to think about the future.
'Nuff said about all that depressing stuff. Photo updates.
'Only if I have 25 hours a day.'
'I hold the key to unlock my inner soul. But is it too late to realise that only now?'

The photos are just for me to release some stress.
Back for a quick update:
1. 14th Nov: Met up with Wen and Yan and their beau for dinner and buying Phantom of the Opera tickets. There goes my $145.
2.Rockapella concert: 15th Nov. They are really good.
3. SOM test, and lab presentation: 17th Nov. Thanks to my groupmate's suggestion, our group wore long sleeves shirt and pants for Lab presentation, while the other groups just wear jeans and t shirt. Well, although it's quite a hassle, it's quite an experience dressing up to school. Too bad we didn't take any photos.
4. Shan's birthday mini celebration: 18th Nov. Its really pleasant meeting up old friends. So Shan, Pris, Sian Ying and later Yaohua, met up at Tampines to talk, laugh, celebrate and what's more, photo whoring around.

A quick photo after dinner at TM Pizza Hut. Me, Sian Ying, Pris (who just got back from Egypt) with her 'cleopetra' hair and Shan.

Me and Sian Ying for a quick pose.

After a surprise from Yaohua, bringing a cake for Shan.
Bump into my cousins at TM while chatting with the group at Ya Kun.
Haiz. Now is the sad part of the life. Have to get back to studying.
I need to be a happier person
Aim to be a happier lad.

Something I have to use everyday...
I love the rain
How I wish it could rain more often. Or at least it cools and calms the heated heart of mine.
I love the droplets. They are like the tears I never shed.
I love the gloom. It expresses my deepest soul.

Image taken from

Taken by yours truly. I love the dark clouds. Did a little bit of editing with the brightness and colors. Ain't pro but still not bad I hope. It's a bit dark. I want it to have a bit of sad feeling.

I named it The Dark Kitchen. A different view of how unfamiliar the kitchen can be when my mum hangs all the clothes in it when its raining outside. Can't tell its raining outside cos exterior is very bright. I love the shadows casted on the pots and pans.
This is what I did when I steal some time out of my routine work and assignments.
What inspired me? Nothing.
Time is running out...
I have approximately 40320 minutes (2 weeks) left till my first paper, but still I havent started any revision at all. I am like rushing projects, assignments, term paper. How to settle to start for revision?
On one end, I am like panicking, trying to finish all the things I should do so that I can start revision proper. On the other hand, there is a side of me telling myself that why should I work so hard? Is this all worth it? Won't the results be bad as usual no matter how hard work? I should not be in this course at all.
if not, then when should I be?
Why am I always so confused?
Sometimes I really want to ask, is this worth it at all?
When things don't seem to be all right
Maybe I am just too sensitive, or maybe I just take things too seriously. Sometimes, my self-confidence just takes a deep plunge. Of course, I will be down, but I always try to get over it, and just learn to be stronger.
But sometimes, I just could not control how I feel.
I shouldn't think too much. Just be contented with what I have and improve what I should.
Exams in few weeks time. How I wish it could be over soon.