Just before the arrival of 2007
I have forgotten if I have made any new year resolutions last year for 2006. Maybe I have, I just can't remember.
For 2007, I just hope to be a better person, to be more self-initiated, to be happier, and hope that all the friends around me will all be happy.
There are a lot of materialistics stuff I want, but as I've said, these are just materialistics stuff. I really hope to spend more time with the people around me.
And maybe a better memory.
Happy New Year.
Have you?
Have you stepped into a cinema and watch a movie all by yourself? Not that the cinema's empty, but its that the people sitting beside you are strangers? None of them know your name, or will discuss the plot with you after you step out of the theater, and you know none of them.
I have. Not once, at least twice, for what I can remember. Yes, I wanted to watch these 2 movies very much, and so since the whole wide world had watched it before, or maybe they just want to avoid the irritating Jeremy, I braved myself to the cinema and bought a lonely ticket.
It's a different feeling watching a movie alone. It's especially quiet, somehow. But it seemed that I could concentrate the movie much better. As there's no one to shove the unwanted popcorn right in your face or your friend asking you what happened to the plot or the character.
The other benefits? You decide the timing of the movie you want to watch. You don't have to compromise with the other party what to watch. And if you are buying snacks to the cinema, you don't have to share your snacks with them.
There are so many movies I want to watch but it seemed that everyone has somehow watched it already. There's this Japanese movie, Deathnote 2, but I haven't watched the first one. A comedy highly recommended by many, A night at the museum, starring Ben Stiller. And also Eragon, Charlotte's web, The curse of the golden flower, etc.
I do have a choice, that is to watch it alone. To enjoy the comfort of being myself, and to really enjoy the movie without the disturbances of your friends.
I haven't done it yet, that is to watch these movies alone.
-Confessions of a Lonely, Grumpy Boy-
Due to an earthquake in Taiwan, some undersea cables are damaged and internet connections have been quite slow. Access to some overseas webpages are also disrupted. Its like finally I manage to access to blogger to blog.
It's been raining quite badly again and there are some areas in Malaysia experiencing floods. In some countries, there is sudden snowfall whereas in others there are no signs of snow. The earth is showing signs of unsatisfactory. We should really do something to save the earth.
There are only a few days left before 2007 arrives. I just wish peace and happiness for the myself and the people around me.
Boxing Day
It also happens to be the release of results today. Although I improved a slight bit (my previous results are horrible), its still not that good enough. Haiz. I keep telling myself that its ok, just continue to work hard and try to aim a second upper. But its like I felt that I have put in quite a bit of work this sem, and still the results don't prove much.
I know, I know, results aren't everything. But still...
Why, why can't I just let it go where I know I should. I am not sad, just not satisfied enough.
I should just accept the fact I am not smart enough.
Jeremy! You are not smart! You should just accept the very fact! YOU ARE NOT SMART!!!
Maybe, I should just talk about happier stuff. Yesterday Christmas gathering at my house with 5 man gang was really fun. From yesterday, I concluded that my friends love Charades, but maybe not really keen about christmas trivia. Watched 2 DVDs, namely Click and Date Movie. Played bridge (I just love bridge), and dai dee, and heart attack with a twist. Dinner was cheap and nice at Blk 85 market, with tables full of ba chor mee, stingray and hao jian!! Don't you just love food!
It's raining again today. Cool temperature, but I just hate the wet floors and damp feeling.
Anyway, Happy wet Boxing Day!!
Merry Christmas
The clock has struck twelve, and midnight has past. Its Christmas Day today.
Came back from carolling supporting of Reso peeps at Thomson Plaza and Hougang Festival Market. Although it was not actually a Christmas celebration, I felt blessed enough to have friends around.
This year's Christmas is rather quiet. Missed a couple parties and gatherings due to my loss of voice. Missed the lightings at Orchard.
Well not all is lost. At least my friends are coming to my house for a mini christmas celebration.
Once again, Merry Christmas!
This Holiday
Been busy this semester break. I wouldn't say it's a bad thing, but the sad thing is that I haven't get the chance to see the christmas lightings at Orchard Road. It's like when I am free, my friends are not. And this time, christmas carolling takes place at other places instead of Orchard Road. Although I have today and tomorrow left, (due to my loss of voice, I am going to miss bbq at my aunt's place), I am basically free. I have a choice, is that either I go to Orchard Road myself, if I am that desperate, or just give it a miss this year.
But I don't like going to town without any company. I want to ask my friends, but it seems that they always have something on.
well, I'll guess I will just give it a miss and stay at home and watch TV.
Lost my voice...
That's the result of singing out too loud in outdoor area. Yes, maybe I shouldn't sing too loud, but then, under these circumstances, no one can hear, if we sing as if we have mics with us. Chijmes is a nice place to have dinner, meet up with old friends, or to just lay back and relax and enjoy the surroundings, but it is definitely not a nice place to carol, or at least not for Reso-kind of carolling. I think what the management want isn't the kind of proper carolling in the nice old style, but to hype the place up with lively and sing along performance.
It's not our fault though, as we are not told what we are supposed to do.
Nevertheless, I had fun, singing with this group of people, despite having to constantly hype up the group so that they would not be demoralised by demoralising Chijmes guy.
Sometimes, I feel I am like a clown. An idiotic looking one. It's tiring to constantly be so ever in a drunk state and be lively, having to entertain everyone. People might say I do not have to do that, and just be who I am. Yes, there is still a lively part of me, but sometimes, I don't want the people around me to be so down and just sad, it makes me feel down too. So sometimes, although rather unwilling, its like I have to hype myself to hype the people around me. And this can be quite tiring.
In the end, I think i end up being a clown.
Well, so let it be. It takes courage and some talent to be one.
Sunny day, finally.
It has been raining these few days, so heavy that yesterday's rainfall was the third highest rainfall collected in a day in the past 75 years (I think). There were floodings, landslides, trees uprooted and so on. But today, I woke up to a bright sunny morning. At least it is sunny for now, don't know if it will rain later.
I will be gigging later at Chjimes. This time caroling will be slightly different for this gig. The group will do a rovering stunt, such that we will sing a couple of songs to one or a few tables, before moving to the next. So if you coming down to Chjimes tonight, look out for Resonance caroling just for you.
Besides caroling pracs in school, I have been slacking at home. But I am enjoying every bit of it. Have also been catching up with gigs from other groups, such as the one at Marina Square by VnH last Saturday and the group at MINDS last Monday. I think the MINDS gig is really meaningful, bringing joy and happiness to people who really needed our care and concern, instead of singing to passer-bys who don't even give a glance of who you are.
I hope my voice will recover in time for the caroling gig later. Wish me luck!
Johor Bahru Trip
This semester break had been packed rather fully. It was only yesterday I just got back from Resonance chlamp, and today I set off to JB with classmates, Xiqian, Hua Hui, Kok Lian and Jack, not forgetting Zijia who met us at Woodlands to pass us some snacks from Selangor. This is actually my 1st time to JB without going with a travel coach. Its interesting to see how I need to get through the Singapore and Malaysia's custom.
Food at JB was cheap. Lunch was a meal of duck, braised tofu, spicy kang kong, stewed pork, and butter prawns and it only cost less than 7 dollars per person. Then we headed to city square, a shopping centre near the JB checkpoint. After deciding to watch a movie and getting tickets for 'Deja Vu' (as it was movie Wednesday, tickets cost only RM6 which is less than 3 Sing dollars per ticket), we walked around to window shop and in the end, we settled at Secret Recipe to treat ourselves with tasty desserts and cakes. My marble cheesecake was unbelievable superb. Its thick and rich texture put me in heaven for a moment.
'Deja Vu' was fine I guess, although the technology and logic in the movie somehow don't make much logical sense. But I thought the actors,
Denzel Washington, Jim Caviezel and Val Kilmer saved the movie from being a B-graded one.
Dinner was at a nearby seafood stall, with stingray, vege, sweet sour pork, shrimp egg and fried chicken and it only cost 12 ringgits per person. It was already almost 8pm when we finished dinner, so after Xiqian brought roti prata and peanut pancakes, we headed back to Singapore.
Maybe I should go to JB more often for cheap and good offers.
Photos updates.

Part of lunch

Kok Lian and Xiqian before digging in

Malaysia's homegrown action movie: Cicak-Man

Cicak-Man (Lizard Man?)

Movies showing at the cinema

Jack, Kok Lian, and Hua Hui deciding what to eat for desserts

Secret Recipe

My superb marble cheese cake

Great meal at Secret Recipe
As for now, I will be busy with carolling. Hope everything will be fine. Till then.
Sometimes, I really wonder the things I do. I know very well the consequences of certain actions and yet, don't know what over take my conscious mind and just do the stuff I do.
Chlamp was fun. The 3 days 2 nights Resonance chalet cum camp were filled with singing (supposedly the main objective), games, laughter, food and fun. Games by EnD involved Resonance members to know each other and also to display their acting skills through charades. We also had fun playing stupid mindless games hitting each others' laps and pinching each other, heart attack that left bruises on innocent limbs. There were also intellectual games of bridge and Citadel. Chlamp would not be complete without barbeque, but food was a bit on the too much side. I also discovered my hidden talent of satay bbqing skills.
Now, this was where the story started. I just would like to say that a few of us got a bit too drunk.
I felt very bad. Not only just because of the physical part. Its just that I became a bit uncontrolled of what I can do. I know what I was doing but its like I could not controlled the magnitude of it. I think I totally embarassed myself, especially in front of my friends, doing things I dont normally do. I felt so childish and stupid, needing other people to care for me.
Hangover was bad. I really hope to remember this and not do anything so stupid again.
It was definitely not an achievement, drinking so much. It was a total boo boo.
I hope everyone would just treat me the same as who I am, and not be shocked of what happened that night.
I think I am out too often. Been at chalet, 2 birthday celebrations and KTV the last 2 days. And tomorrow, I will be at another chalet. So now, I am officially broke. Any kind sponsors out there to sponsor my expenses? Eh, I can sing, (if you don't mind my screeching), dance, juggle (with two balls), tell a joke, act. Any form of sponsors are gladly welcomed. (Best would be in the form of an amazing invention called cash or money).
I really want to accomplish many other things during this break. Besides carolling, I actually wanted to take part in this song writing competition, but I have to submit my composition by 20th Dec and I have yet to write anything. And I have to pay 10 bucks, to find a recording studio to record my stuff, to find an instrumentalist to able to provide music accompaniment for my composition, to find a singer to sing the song, unless I do all these stuff all by myself. But I have no 'ling gan' to write any tunes.
I have to pack my room too. And I think I should get tanned and do some sports. Have become very fair throughout the semester and put on some undesirable tons of fats.
Thursday was at Amanda's mini birthday lunch at Carl's junior at Vivocity.Followed by movie 'Happy Feet'. I liked the show, most likely because of the songs and the cool moves of the adorable penguins. Then it was dessert at Swensen's.

After that, I rushed to Changi for class chalet. Much fun, steamboat food, mahjong and laughter at the chalet. Most memorable was the pillow-cum-blanket-slash-wrestling fight between the informidable group comprising of myself, the agile Jiayan, the silent but powerful Kok Lian and the hunky Jiejiun, while the ruthless group led by scheming Weijie, the cunning Hua Hui, the viscious Jack and the towering Weian. All these fights were witnessed by the 3 girls, Mingli, Shuyu and Aiwei, who stayed over at the chalet. The war lasted for about 1 hour, till about 4 am in the morning and at the end of it, what was previously a cold air-conditioned room was tremendously warmed by the sweating and puffing men.
After the chalet, the group dragged their exhausted spirits to Loyang point, only to our disappointment to find out that the KTV was still closed at that time. But undefeated, we transported ourselves to parkway parade. It was the largest KTV room I have ever been, as instead of 2 TVs, there is actually a projection screen to replace the TV, so you can imagine how big the room was. Although everyone was tired, maybe a bit too tired, we became very 'high' in spirits that even the slow songs became so upbeat. Hidden talent that 'wowed' everyone was clearly displayed when Kok Lian sang the evergreen love songs. His sorrowful voice touched almost everyone of us that we kept silent just to hear him sing.
Singing continued till about 5pm when most of our voices became hoarse. Then I rushed back home to change and go to Qiwen's birthday treat at some korean steamboat buffet. After filling our stomachs, Qiwen suggested we watched Saw III. This was probably the most grossed movie I have watched so far. Slightly regreted agreeing to watching movie as I left the cinema with my palms slightly damped and with scenes from the movie still in my head.
Today, I slept almost the whole day, trying to recuperate from the lack of sleep accumulated during exams and the chalet. And in a few hours time, I will be embarking of to another 3 days 2 nights chalet with Resonance.
Now, you know why I am so broke.
Photos galore.

Our everyday utensils at different angles
Finally, the exams are over.
The week and a half long exams are finally over. I have been waiting for this day for so long. suddenly, I became super aimless and rather free. Hmmm. During the exams, I have been thinking what I want to do, but when the time comes, I just want to slack. Maybe I need a day's break or two.
Overall, I must say that I really hope I will do better for this exams. I felt that I have put in more effort and before, and although sometimes, effort doesn't equate to results, I really hope not to be disappointed as before.
But as one says, the higher you hope, the more you will fall. Maybe, I'll just let nature take the course.
As for now, ITS GAMES TIME!!