ERM's 10th Anniversary
Last night, my company celebrated its 10th Anniversary at the Art House or otherwise known as the Old Parliament House. It was a damn cool place and I got to see the actual parliament seats and chamber where parliament used to be carried out.
The function, however, was actually held at a function room called the Blue room. Nice place as well.
I think I'm rather lucky, able to personally meet the big big shots of the company. You see, my company is actually an MNC, so the big big shots are from US, UK. So it's really seldom that these people come to Singapore. Moreover, the other bosses from the other offices from other countries also came. Also basically its a good time to interact with these ERM bosses. I even took photos with the big big bosses. Pictures are still in company and I will find a way to transport them home.
The one big regret is that I did not really talk to the clients who could be my future bosses. But I felt it was awkward of me to just step in and introduced myself and sorta sell myself to them. Anyway I have more than a year to go and I doubt they still remember me.
Being an intern, I had to take photos for the event. Ha! But it was quite fun la. I think the company should invest in a better camera, like a SLR one. But the one they had now is not bad. Hmmm.. Maybe I should suggest to the company.
After the whole event, which ended at around 10.30pm, Dave, my Singapore MD brought everyone out to Indochine at Boat Quay (or was it Clarke Quay), and treated us drinks. It was a good time for me to know the people in the company a bit better.
I think though the company is small, its easier for people to interact and slowly, I am beginning to adapt to the company. It may be slow, but at least there's progress.
I should have small goals along the way which will keep me driving on. Like eh, trying to do well for my HR module, and eh improve my musical knowledge. But sometimes, I just don't have the energy.
Doing just fine so far. Though can be quite tiring. Wish me luck.
I just need to be stronger
I fret too much. I think too much. And sometimes, thinking too much isn't a healthy thing. Yes, I should think, but I should think of happier stuff and how to improve myself and help the people around me. Not thinking about how to drown myself in discomfort and all. I need to have small goals and maybe accomplishing these small goals will make my day.
Maybe I haven't accustomed myself to work yet. It's been 2 weeks, and I still feel out of place. The people there are nice apparently, but somehow I can't seem to open up myself. There isn't healthy either. It makes the workplace too cold for me. I just need to relax and don't care too much stuff. I am just an intern after all. Making mistakes should be fine, I hope.
I miss singing. I think not singing makes me gloomy. Singing alone in the bathroom at home helps a bit, but I miss the time with my friends, singing out of tune loudly. But sometimes, it can be quite tiring having to travel all the way back to the west just to sing after work.
I will be well and happier, I think. It aint that bad after all. Just need to hear the music in the head.
Adapting to a new environment
Didn't go to work today. Am sick. Fever last night and diahhorea this morning. Suspected stomach flu or mild food poisoning.
Officiallly started my attachment cum internship last Monday. It was a small company with slightly more than ten consultants and a few other interns, although it is a MNC. Felt awkward when I just started to work there. I have no idea what to expect, or how the people will be like. However it seemed that the people there are rather nice, and they always make sure to thank when I helped them to photocopy documents or print stuff.
I don't know what they thick of me. Maybe it's only a week plus, so the people there might not know me well enough. It's always a fear in me to be misunderstood, or be judged wrongly, thus I have been very careful in the words I say or the things I do. It's very tiring to be always so cautious and careful and not able to be totally myself.
I will be fine, I hope. Sometimes, I feel that I just shouldn't think so much and be so cautious of what I do. As long I do not do anything so wrong, I hope it's ok.
Work aside, last week was a busy week. Went to watch The Real Group last Monday. They were good and I was impressed by their singing technique. Wednesday was the beginning of my HR module. So glad I was able to be back in NUS as I can see familiar faces and surroundings again. Last Friday, my NUS classmates had a gathering and we KTV-ed till late and supper-ed till 2am. It was really great to be able to be with friends and talked and enjoyed to our hearts' contents. Last Saturday, met up with Shannon (back from Japan), Sian Ying and Yaohua (back from Taiwan), Gary (back from Korea), and Ziyang. It's been sometime since we last met as everyone was either busy or out of Singapore. After dinner, me, Shan and Ziyang caught the Japanese movie Deathnote II. Although I didn't see the first one, I still think it's a cool movie and my attention was captivated almost throughout the movie.
Ok, so this was the update for the past week. I hope the following weeks would be just fine. Hope to know the people in my company better and also hope they know me just as well.
'Twas a great show!
It's been sometime I really enjoyed myself singing so much! The people, the place, the sound, the atmosphere! Everything is so right! I did a little dance-skip for my solo as well, as the feeling came suddenly and I think I made a total fool out of myself. But I really enjoyed myself!
Hope I have many many such feelings in the future!
Such a great bang to the start of the year!!
The dreadfulness of having to start work tomorrow seemed to be gone for a while!
Thanks to everyone who made this memory so memorable! And thanks to my beloved mum and dad who came down to support despite my dad and mum had to work tomorrow! Your presence really touched me!
I really love singing!
I just hate uncertainty, not knowing what will come tomorrow. I will be starting my attachment at ERM tomorrow. There's no news what I will do there, although there's a very brief descriptionof what my job scope is. There's no other NUS interning there and there's no seniors I know of whom I can ask. I guess I have to just don't care and brave new world.
Things to look forward to: my gig later at Esplanade Outdoor Theatre. Cool right? I always wanted to sing at Esplanade, and although I haven't gone in the main concert hall to have a concert before, I am satisfied enough to be able to sing at the Concourse and the Outdoor Theatre. So if you are free later, can come support me and Resonance!
Tomorrow is The Real Group concert (although tomorrow's first day of work). So looking forward to this Sweden Group.
I know I have said this before, this year I want to spend more time with my friends, so I hope I can really execute this resolution.
I realise I have quite good looking cousins around. Ha! Yesterday, there was this inter junior college bash at Zouk orgainised by a group of undergrads from NTU Biz. And like a lot of other bashes, there's this pageant to select the most goodlooking JC boy and gal. I have this smart cousin from RJC and he was selected to represent RJC for the pageant. And I have this other maternal cousin whom I am closer with. He took part in a NTU pageant last year and won. And I have another maternal cousin whom I really seldom see, was the 2nd runner up in one of the Miss Singapore Universe Pageant.
Hope I will sing well for the gig later.
Sing it like it is
Been practising in school for an upcoming gig at the Esplanande outdoor theatre this coming Sunday. And if you are reading this blog and free this Sunday, why not come down to Esplanade to enjoy a cappella music? There will be other a cappella groups tomorrow and Saturday, including Vocollision.
Finally, my industrial attachment's starting next Monday. Excited? Maybe. I am not that hyped up as I really don't know what I will be doing at the company. Hope everything will be just fine.
And it's a relief for me as I managed to successfully register for my evening module HR2002, as I have submitted my application rather late.
Anyway, details for my upcoming gig is as below:

And The Real Group, an a cappella group from Sweden is performing on 8th Jan, which is on next Mon, which also happens to be the first day of the internship. They are really good. You can find them on you tube.
So if ya coming down, see ya on Sunday!
In 2007, I want to...
I shouldn't have too many things I want to do, as should just focus on some. I want to be more self-initiated, to stop being so lazy, to be a more hard working person.
In 2006, I think I tend to neglect some of my friends, so in 2007, I make sure I try to meet up with people I haven't met up for quite some time. I will work harder to achieve what I want and aim for. I will also hope to be in a healthier state, and be in better shape. I think I fall sick too easily and recover too slowly.
I will spend more time with my loved ones, and spend lesser time doing unnecessary stuff or slacking.
2007 will be a GREAT year!