Teambuilding, Trust and Knowing Myself
Being an intern is not all bad. At least I get to be involved in the company's teambuilding activity at Pulau Ubin for the past two days. Organised by Asia Outdoor Pte Ltd, these 2 days are filled with activities to facilitae teambuilding, to establish trust among the company collegues and to build up self confidence.
First day was low ropes activites where collaboration among the staff is important, including high wall, pyramid spider web and balancing and crossing on ropes. After lunch was high rope activities. This time, the factor of fear of height added in. Trust and collaboration was still needed. Safety was not compromise as well. Due to bad weather, we have to postpone abseiling and rockclimbing to the next day, together with rafting and some cycling, which were all held at the second day.
I have learnt quite a bit of the company and about myself from these activities. I have learnt that sometimes, we really have to trust in ourselves and the partners we work with. Blaming others won't solve the problem, which fortunately did not happen. Not everyone is good at everything and identifying who is good at what and distributing the work accordingly would improve productivity. There are a lot of thing I never thought I can do, like abseiling from 6th storey, and the leap of fatith, which jumping from a 6 to 7 metres pole to catch a trapeez. Although I have done abseiling before in army, this time is much higher.
The only regret is that I did not complete rock climbing as high as I should be. There's this unseen fear of climbing up walls from the start and this really hinders me from continuing up high. Many did till higher than me. I realise it is not the strength or what, but it is the fear and the thought of giving up that make me stop from reaching higher. This applies to the things I do too in daily life. The fear of failing and falling and overcoming barriers will obstruct me from going higher.
I hope I have learnt from those activities, esp from those I did not do well, in my daily life so that I will be a much better person.
In all, I had great fun. Let the picture say it all.

Dangling Duo: to reach as high as possible by helping each other. Note the logs get further as we go up.

Leap of Faith: to climb up the narrow pole and reach for the trapeez.

High V: to help yourself and your partner across 2 cables which get further as the dup proceeds.

Having fun at night! Uno, Heart attack and Seven up!


Company photo with our instructor in white, Erwin

Leisure cycling just before our lunch and noon activities.

Rafting: to build our own raft and row it across the lagoon. My team won!!

Some of my office people, Front: Irene and Aunty Veron. Back: Uncle Jason and myself!

Trip back to Singapore Mainland!
Really enjoyed myself. But now I am so burnt!
It's been quite some time...
Well, it's really been quite some time since I do a lot of things.
It's been quite some time since I last...
1) Update this blog. Many things have happened lately, esp in office. Ok no big cases, but there's been quite some work to do, since I am the only intern left, and the consultants left in the company are super stress as some of the consultants are overseas working. And there's also this project for the HR module I am taking now. Presentation's over, and our group did rather well. Report's due soon but it is almost done.
2) Sing with my a cappella group. I really miss singing with my a cappella group, well not the ktv type though.
3)Watch a movie. There are so many I wanna watch, but no one to watch with and no time. There is 300, Teenage mutant ninja turtles, Dreamgirls, etc.
4) Study. I have not really settled down to study for my module yet. and exams are like in less than a month's time. That's bad.
5) Read my friends' blog. Sometimes, i think i really miss out on my friends' life.
I have been doing things I shouldn't do. Haiz. Anyway, glad I met with the horn-net people last thurs, some of my pri friends last fri. Bought a new digicam last sun at the IT show. it's a canon power shot S3IS. Love it, but yet to discover the best of its function.
That's all for now. Hope to update more often.
Being me...
Just before I switched on my laptop, there are many thoughts that go through my mind, and so hurrily I wanna put them down in the blog. But thanks to the snail-like speed of my laptop, by the time it was booted, I have forgetten what I wanna write.
I just hate myself, so often. I missed my dinner today because I was rushing to my project meeting from work, which ended at 7pm. Although my friend, Seok Gek treated us to some snacks, I was still hungry. SO I went home, hoping there's food for me. Well, indeed there's food, but it was pao. I was so sick of paos, that I refused to eat (even though I was hungry). So being stubborn and all, I try to whip myself a sumptious meal of instant noodles. But to my surprise, my favourite brand of instant noodles was not there, whereas it was some instant hor fun. Havent had any experience in cooking one, I tried to follow the instructions on the package. Apparently, the instructions were SO SO clear, that I 'understand clearly at once what it was saying'. SO using my creativity and initiative, I used my own discretion to prepare the hor fun. The tricky part is whether to drain the water out or to pour the water together with the noodles to the seasoning. I chose the formal. And to my very own 'liking', it was salty. SO I suddenly feel so sad. So lonely all of a sudden. My parents sleeping. No one to ask if I was hungry or not.
I really felt so sad. SO lonely.
No one even cared I was dead or alive.
This afternoon, earthquake at Jakarta. It was so strong that even I could feel the building shaking at the office. The rest of my colleagues begin to message to their boyfriends and girlfriends. I was thinking then, who can I message to. Or who will message me.
I suddenly thought my grandma at home, and called back. But to my dismay, no one answered. So I guess she was in the toilet or sleeping. Well thats the end of my part of the story while the rest still sms-ing their loved ones.
Was thinking then even if my mum was thinking of me.
Yes, I am a pampered stupid dumb boy who wants attention everytime.
That's me.
You know, sometimes, you don't need things to happen to show you care. A sudden message of warmth would just lighten up the whole day.
I am still here...
Just wanna say this blog is not dead. Been busy with stuff and all, like school work, 'work' work, visiting, etc.
I am doing fine, as I get more settled with the company.
Project's taking quite a bit of time at night and weekends, since this is the only time my group mates can meet.
The reason why I am seldom online, as I've been staring at the computer the whole and don't wish to do the same thing at night.
Everything's good, just that I miss singing.